Savior, I by faith am touching Thee

B327 C412 CB559 E559 G559 K412 LSM151 R411 T559
Savior, I by faith am touching
  Thee, the source of every good;
Virtue now, by faith am claiming,
  Through the cleansing of Thy blood.
Touching Thee, new life is glowing
  By Thy Spirit’s burning flame;
Cleansing, purging, Spirit filling,
    Glory to Thy Holy Name!
Touching Thee in faith, I take Thee
  In Thy riches full and free;
All I am I open to Thee,
  All Thou art Thou giv’st to me.
Touching now Thine outstretched scepter,
  O most mighty King of kings;
Of Thy fulness now receiving,
  High I mount on eagle wings.
Grace and virtue, strength and wisdom,
  All my need, by Thee supplied;
Keep me touching, keep me claiming,
  Keep me ever at Thy side.

United States





Judy Logsdon

Hanover Park, Illinois, United States

Keep me touching You all day. Lord draw me with the cords of love. By Your mercy we go on. Be merciful to mankind today. Appear to so many today.

Allen In Christ


Keep me touching, keep me claiming, keep me eating, keep me drinking, keep me feasting, keep me kissing, keep me loving, keep me always enjoying and keep me forever churching.

Patience Asiimwe

Romford, Essex, United Kingdom

Keep me touching, keep me claiming

Keep me ever at Thy side.

Jovan Arthur Heron

Aachen, NRW, Germany

Touching, touching, touching !

Keep me touching!!

Keep me claiming!!

Keep me ever at thy side!!

New Life is glowing!!

Thank You Lord, You're the source of EVERY good!

We can touch You in the deepest part of our being. We can touch You in our human spirit! 😊

Isaac Acosta

Irvine, CA, United States

Touching Jesus is all that really matters!


Glen Innes, NSW, Australia

Never heard this one before but I love it. The words are so beautiful.

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

The word "touch" is a very inspiring word to me in the N.T. and in my time with the One I love. In the Gospel sometimes it is the seeking ones "touching" Jesus, and at other times it is Him "touching" them. He would "touch" individuals and even groups of needy ones were laid before Him to be "touched" by Him. John in His epistle says that they not only heard and saw Him but also handled Him. It is a daily mutual "touching" that keeps me going.

Jonathan Pafford

Charlotte, NC, United States

Amen Lord! Keep us touching, keep us claiming, keep us ever at Your side. Lord keep us! We cant make it without Your keeping. Lord we love You and we need You!

Boaz Leong

Manila, Philippines

"KEEP me touching, keep me claiming, keep me ever at Thy side." We may be enjoying now, but what about tomorrow, next week, or next year? We really need to be kept by the Lord!

Stanza 3 is different:

1. Savior, I by faith am touching

Thee, the source of every good;

Virtue now, by faith am claiming,

Through the cleansing of Thy blood.


Touching Thee, new life is glowing

By Thy Spirit's burning flame;

Cleansing, purging, Spirit filling,

Glory to Thy holy name!

2. Touching Thee in faith, I take Thee

In Thy riches full and free;

All I am I open to Thee,

All Thou art Thou giv'st to me.

3. Touching Thee, dear Lord, more deeply,

Thine abundance all is mine;

Grace on grace from Thee receiving,

I flow out Thy life divine.

4. Grace and virtue, strength and wisdom,

All my need, by Thee supplied;

Keep me touching, keep me claiming,

Keep me ever at Thy side.

Piano Hymns