Christ liveth in me

Once far from God and dead in sin,
  No light my heart could see;
But in God’s Word the light I found,
  Now Christ liveth in me.
  Christ liveth in me,
Christ liveth in me;
Oh! what a salvation this,
  That Christ liveth in me.
As rays of light from yonder sun,
  The flow’rs of earth set free,
So life and light and love come forth
  From Christ living in me.
As lives the flow’r within the seed,
  As in the cone the tree,
So, praise the Christ of truth and grace,
  His Spirit dwelleth in me.
With longing all my heart is filled,
  That like Him I may be,
As on the wondrous thought I dwell
  That Christ liveth in me.
Josh Toomey

Youngstown, Ohio, United States

I am so thankful that Christ liveth in me! I got saved October 10, 1999 and a few years later this song came to my mind and reminded me that Christ came into my heart and liveth in me forever and I am so thankful for that! Praise God!


this is one of my most favorite classical hymns. when I sing and hear this hymn deep in my heart will say ...." ((((((PRAISE GOD))))))) for God's grace is sufficient for me, for His power is perfected in weakness, therefore I will rather boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ might tabernacle over me, thus I AM GOOD FOR NOTHING BUT PRECIOUS to SOMEONE ( CHRIST LIVETH IN ME ).

divine grace romaguera

Butuan, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Before, I was far from God, being alienated from His presence, dead in sins and offenses. In my heart no light was found. But through the wonderful salvation I received, my view has been changed. I am now a person of God; always near to God. Now I am longing to be filled with Him that like Him I may be. Amen!! Hallelujah!!!

Alvaro Ramos

Winston Salem, NC, United States

Oh! what a salvation this,

That Christ liveth in me.

Amen! Hallelujah!

marichris naduma

Gingoog City, Mis. Or., Philippines

I really like this song because it reminds us that CHRIST lives in us! Hallelujah! What a salvation! Amen! It's no longer us but Christ lives in us! Amen!


London, United Kingdom

I like this song because...The anointed one, the redeemer, the Firstborn among many brothers is making us real, day by day. Wow what a fantastic fact. Lord, Thank You that You can live in me. Cause me to let You live more and more in my entire being. I live because You live in me!


Lagos, Nigeria

Each time I enjoy this hymn, I am trilled to come to such a wonderful knowlege that Christ actually lives in me...

With longing all my heart is filled,

That like Him I may be,

As on the wondrous thought I dwell

That Christ liveth in me.

Each day Lord keep me dwelling on this wonderous thought that Christ liveth in me.


Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States

I love the song and pray it will be true...that others will see Christ living in me.


Virginia, United States

From birth - to the new birth bringing salvation - to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit - to daily living in the presence of Him who provides all of the above - to the climax of entering Eternity.

Christ lives in me and assures me of all of the above.


Dunedin, New Zealand

Two functions of the truth are to free us and to sanctify us (John 8:32; 17:17). Since Adam's fall, men are further and further away from God, but through Christ's accomplishment, we become near to God, Christ in us is continually freeing us daily. I enjoy the line "but in God's Word the light I found', this is the truth freeing us from everything Christ crucified with Him on the cross.

In the church meetings, we may enjoy singing, "Christ liveth in me, Christ liveth in me." However, when the meeting is over, we are the ones who live, not Christ. Instead of Christ living in us, our inward being is occupied with ourselves. But if we see the vision of Christ living in us, we shall stop all our doing. How blessed it is to do nothing and to let Christ live in us! The Lord does not want us to try to improve our behavior. He does not want us to try to be a good husband or wife. The Christian life is Christ living in us. In such a life, we and Christ have one life and one living. Christ lives in our living. Oh, we desperately need to see this vision! We need to pray, "Lord, show me the vision that God only wants one Person. He wants Christ to live in me." This vision will spontaneously terminate all of our efforts and doings. It will turn us from our trying to the indwelling Christ.

I appreciate the fact that Christ lives in us. There is even a hymn in our hymnal with this chorus:

Christ liveth in me,

Christ liveth in me;

Oh! what a salvation this,

That Christ liveth in me.

However, simply to say that Christ lives in us is to be too objective. We also need to experience living in Christ and doing all things in Him. What a salvation it is to live in Him! If we live in Him, we shall enjoy His salvation day by day. This salvation can be compared to riding in a car. As long as we remain in the car, we enjoy salvation. When I ride in a car, I am not worried about what direction I am going or anything else. I may rest, pray, or enjoy sight-seeing. I simply rest and enjoy myself. In like manner, when we are in Christ, we should simply rest and enjoy ourselves. We should enjoy the life in Christ.

The burden of this ministry is to produce Christ in the believers. This means that the goal of this ministry is not to teach you to be humble or merely to glorify God in your behavior. Rather, the goal of this ministry is to "inject" you with Christ, to impart Christ as an "antibiotic" to you. The more we receive such an injection, the more we will be able to sing, "Christ liveth in me,/Christ liveth in me;/Oh! what a salvation this,/That Christ liveth in me" (Hymns, #507). On the one hand, this injection of Christ will kill our old man; on the other hand, it will make us producers of Christ, those who minister Christ to others.

Piano Hymns