Once I was dead in sin

E502 S216
Once I was dead in sin,
  And hope within me died;
But now I’m dead to sin,
  With Christ I’m crucified.
And can it be that “He loved me,
    And gave Himself for me“?
O height I cannot reach!
  O depth I cannot sound!
O love, O boundless love,
  In my Redeemer found!
I live—and yet not I,
  But Christ that lives in me,
Who from the law of sin
  And death has made me free.
Clay Sylvester

Waukegan, Illinois, United States

The chorus of this hymn came to me this morning... what a wonder that the Word is stored in our hearts (decades ago) and surfaces at the most opportune times... lending comfort, grace, hope... so much! Verse 2 says: O height I cannot reach, O depth I cannot sound, O love, O boundless love, In my Redeemer found! This "simple" hymn unloads all the stress, guilt, fear, doubt... and fills with joy, thanksgiving and praise... and rest in Him Who fills all in all.

Amos Kimani

Church In Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

Thanks Lord for it is no longer I that liveth but You


Laud Lks, Florida, Us Virgin Islands

Such a beautiful, uplifting site! I could stay here for an entire day and enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit.....so comforting. I am truly blessed by this site.


Nattalam, Kanaya Kumari Dist Tamil Nadu, India

Very nice song. Peaceful to mind when we sung this song last Sunday in our church.


Kanya Kumari, Tamil Nadu, India

Lovely song. Christ the blessed Saviour. Glory to Jesus.