He has entered! He has entered!

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He has entered! He has entered!
  Every guest may now depart;
He has taken all the chamber
  Of my once divided heart.
He has entered! He has entered!
  Vanish every doubt and sin;
He has taken full possession,
  He is Lord of all within.
Long at my poor heart He tarried,
  Knocking with His wounded hand;
Wide at last to Him I opened,
  Yielding all to His command.
He has entered! He has entered!
  Every sorrow now must flee;
Where He reigns as King and Master,
  There no grief can ever be.
Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

As I was singing this hymn, I thought verse 3 should be sung first because He seems to be outside knocking to come in. Yet in my experience, even after giving all, and thinking I have gained something, He still knocks on my heart. In Song of Songs 5:2, 4, He is knocking with His wounded hand. In Revelation 3:20, He also is knocking to find entrance. When I think I have something, and become settled, satisfied and passive, He knocks to come in. He knocks in love and reproof to show and give more of Himself.