Oh, from myself deliver

B162 C228 CB280 D280 E280 G280 K228 P153 R216 T280
Lord, may Thy blood now cleanse me,
  Wash all my sins away,
That with Thy Holy Spirit
  Thou may anoint, I pray.
My service, I confess, Lord,
  Is failure-full and weak;
The filling of Thy Spirit
  To live for Thee I seek.
Oh, from myself deliver,
  From all its misery;
I’d henceforth be forever
    Completely filled with Thee.
Oh, Lord, how dry my heart is,
  It yearns and pants for Thee;
The filling of Thy Spirit
  Is now my fervent plea.
Within the smitten Rock, Lord,
  I would entirely hide;
Pour thru Thy living water,
  Till I am satisfied.
How cold my heart has been, Lord,
  How slow obeying Thee;
So fill me with Thy Spirit,
  I’ll ne’er rebellious be.
I lie upon Thy altar
  And dare not move away;
Oh, may Thy flame descending
  Consume my all, I pray.
Oh, may Thy Cross within me
  Deepen its work and burn
In me enlarge Thy measure,
  And me to ashes turn.
Oh, may Thy Spirit fill me
  Each day more than before,
And may Thy living water
  On me and thru me pour.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.


Nashville, Tennessee, United States

I appreciate this song because it is like a detox. When we first believed we partook of God’s life and nature. Then as we go through our Christian life we enjoy all the riches of Christ as the Spirit. Eventually we see how sick and poisoned we are in our self. Then the cry from this realization is expressed in the chorus, “Oh from my self deliver from all it’s misery... (Then running into the Lord’s arms) ; I’d henceforth be forever Completely filled with Thee. ” Thank You Lord! Praise the Lord!


AZ, United States

1 Lord, may Thy blood now cleanse me,

Wash all my sins away,

That with Thy Holy Spirit

Thou may anoint, I pray.

My service, I confess, Lord,

Is failure-full and weak;

The filling of Thy Spirit

To live for Thee I seek.


Oh, from myself deliver,

From all its misery;

I’d henceforth be forever

Completely filled with Thee.

2 Oh, Lord, how dry my heart is,

It yearns and pants for Thee;

The filling of Thy Spirit

Is now my fervent plea.

Within the smitten Rock, Lord,

I would entirely hide;

Pour thru Thy living water,

Till I am satisfied.

3 How cold my heart has been, Lord,

How slow obeying Thee;

So fill me with Thy Spirit,

I’ll ne’er rebellious be.

I lie upon Thy altar

And dare not move away;

Oh, may Thy flame descending

Consume my all, I pray.

4 Oh, may Thy Cross within me

Deepen its work and burn

In me enlarge Thy measure,

And me to ashes turn.

Oh, may Thy Spirit fill me

Each day more than before,

And may Thy living water

On me and thru me pour.

Sarah Rolofs

Ochtrup, Munster, Germany

O dear Lord, deliver me; from myself; draw me closer, my Lord. What a lovely hymn; the words really fit:

I praise and love You my heavenly Father. Amen.

Thanh Le

San Francisco, California, United States

O Lord! My service is failure full and weak, I confess shamefully. May Your cross deepen its work within me and burning me into ashes so that the Holy Spirit will fill me each day more than before.


Lagos, Nigeria

Oh may the Lord fill me with His Spirit until am one with Him in reality.

IrisCrystal Seok

South Korea

Lord, thank You for each revelation on ‘the self’ in Your economy.

From the deepest part of our being, we praise You for the visions and enlightenments on ‘the self’ given from You to each one of us in the Body, which are evermore needed for “the death operating in us”(2 Cor. 4:12).

Thomas L Agawu

Ho, Volta Region, Ghana

God's forgiveness "married" David's transgression and repentance, and this marriage brought forth the man named Solomon, who built the temple of God; Solomon is a type of Christ and of those who experience Christ to be one with them.


Roswell, NM, United States

Oh from myself deliver, from all its misery. Lord, this is my earnest plea,

that with Thy Spirit You can fill me. For the building up of Your Body.


Pleasant Hill, CA, United States

What a sweet hymn. Oh the height and depth of His riches we can experience when singing with grace in our hearts to Him...Lord may this become the reality in every member of Your Body for Your building, Bride, and expression. Praise our sweet Beloved.


Dublin, CA, United States

Only in self you will experience misery. The cross is not suffering, the suffering can be felt by an active self, strong self, and good willed self. Therefore, we need to be delivered from self. Once we're emptied, we can be filled with God!

Piano Hymns