How I praise Thee, precious Savior

B157 C218 CB268 E268 F47 G268 K218 LSM50 P144 R205 S129 T268
How I praise Thee, precious Savior,
  That Thy love laid hold of me;
Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me,
  That I might Thy channel be.
Channels only, blessed Master,
  But with all Thy wondrous grace,
Flowing through us, Thou canst use us
    Every hour in every place.
Just a channel, full of blessing,
  To the thirsty hearts around;
To tell out Thy full salvation,
  All Thy loving message sound.
Emptied that Thou shouldest fill me,
  A clean vessel in Thine hand;
With no strength but as Thou givest
  Graciously with each command.
Witnessing Thy grace to save me,
  Setting free from self and sin;
Thou hast bought me to possess me,
  In Thy fulness, Lord, come in.
O Lord, fill now with Thy Spirit
  Hearts that full surrender know;
That the streams of living water
  From our inner man may flow.
Chukwuemeka Kalu Ekeh

Aba, Abia, Nigeria

This song has been my mum's favorite hymn and I remember vividly listening to her sing this song over and over again while growing up. It just came to mind and as I googled a line of the song, it popped up.

Lord, make me your channel of blessing. Amen.

Abiola Olayeri

FCT Abuja, Nigeria

I am blessed with the lyrics of this hymn it is indeed streems of living water that flows from the sanctuary to our hearts.

Lord make me a channel were other may others may find their way to see you.

Ogedengbe Nathaniel

Akure, Ondo, Nigeria

I just came back from the hospital for a bacteria infection treatment, as I lay down on my bed this hymn keeps coming to my heart.

How I praise Thee, precious Savior,

That Thy love laid hold of me;

Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me,

That I might Thy channel be.

Oh Lord thank you for touching me.

I am grateful father.

Maria L.

Fremont, California, United States

How I praise Thee, precious Savior, That Thy love laid hold of me;

Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me, That I might Thy channel be.

Lord, we take You as our King to be under Your ruling and enjoy You as our blessing. You are our unique and all-inclusive blessing and we enjoy You as our portion for our enjoyment. Make us those who are channel of blessings for others to grow and enjoy the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

David Michael Smith

I remember the chorus differently

channels only blessed Master

But with all thy wondrous power

Flowing through us Thou canst use us

Every day and every hour


Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Thank God, l got this again. This song has been so much impressed in my heart. l decided to goggle it, thank God for the song. lt is such an inspirational song that brings revival to me personal .

Ezinne Onuoha

Enugu, Nigeria

One of my favourite songs as a child. How I long to be used of you O Lord as a channel of your greatness 🙏

Caleb Sylvanus Dakwak

Jos, Plateau, Nigeria

This is my favorite Hymn, both for private and public worship


thank You for becoming the slave Savior (Mark)

Dr. Ekele Nwankwo

Columbus, Ohio, United States

Just woke up with this old high school hymn on my mind so I started to search for it. I had lost my Advent hymnal in the mail years ago. God in his mercy brings back to my mind all the time, wonderful hymns which, sadly, are no longer sung. Now I have a loooong list of songs, choruses, hymns, poems from childhood, high school and college. These cheer my heart. Thanks to God for preserving this beautifull song.

Revised version:

1. Jesus' precious blood has cleansed me;

Heavenly joy has flooded me;

Now, eternal life enjoying,

Living channel I would be.


Channel for His waters living,

Full of Spirit I would be—

Life infusing, dryness quenching,

Flowing life unceasingly.

2. Rich salvation, sweet and wondrous,

Satisfies my heart, 'tis true;

I would daily testify thus,

Drawing more to turn to You.

3. Lord, do wholly sanctify me,

Vessel unto honor make,

Fill with grace, rich life supply me,

Crowds to feed, their thirst to slake.

4. Empty me and fill completely,

Lord, possess me utterly;

Let the living water flood me,

Flow forth life eternally.

We are not in a movement. According to Hymns, #268, we are channels for God's Spirit to flow through us into others. If we visit the new ones in their homes every week, what is deposited into them will be with them for the rest of their lives. Even if we answer their questions with a few simple sentences, our answer will remain in the deepest part of their being. They may ask a simple question about dealing with their parents; if we are weighty, even a simple response will give them a deep impression. Our response will change their human life. This is what we must give people when we contact them through door-knocking. We must be prepared to do this.

Channels Only

Piano Hymns