O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord!
Forgive me if I say,
For very love, Thy sacred name
A thousand times a day.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
I love Thee so I know not how
My transports to control;
Thy love is like a burning fire
Within my very soul.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
For Thou to me art all in all;
My honor and my wealth;
My heart’s desire, my body’s strength,
My soul’s eternal health.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
Burn, burn, O love, within my heart,
Burn fiercely night and day,
Till all the dross of earthly loves
Is burned, and burned away.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
O light in darkness, joy in grief,
O heaven’s life on earth;
Jesus, my love, my treasure, who
Can tell what Thou art worth?
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
What limit is there to this love?
Thy flight, where wilt Thou stay?
On, on! our Lord is sweeter far
Today than yesterday.
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
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El Monte, CA, United States
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
Laredo, Texas, United States
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!
Pagadian, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines
Oh Lord Jesus! You are our love and our treasure.
Leuven, Belgium
We love you Lord Jesus! We abide you and the gracious smile is our reward! Hallelujah!!!
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Such a mercy and grace of our dear precious Lord Jesus that all our love and service is just the outcome and result of the life that we received from Him. Paying the highest price is nothing to be compared with the prize that we will receive from Him. His SMILE is thy gracious reward. Oh my dear and precious Lord Jesus burn us that we will turn into ashes and will be a sweet fragrance and a delight satisfaction to you. Praise the Lord!
FL, United States
Lord Jesus, let Your love burn in our souls. Amen. Restore our souls, Great Shepherd. Amen. Lord Jesus, You are our All in All, our Honor, our Wealth, and our Soul's Eternal Health. Amen. Health of our Countenance, we love You; we worship You; increase in us. Amen. Health of our Salvation be manifest in us. Amen. Lord Jesus, You are the Light in darkness, the Oil of Joy, Heaven's Life, and You are in us. Amen. Lord Jesus, praise You for being the One in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Amen.
Tirane, Albania
Thy gracious smile is my reward.
Santa Cruz, California, United States
"For Thou to me art all in all", O Jesus Jesus dearest Lord, You are my all in all! I love, I love Thee, Lord!
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lord, thy very self is my first love. Burn all earthly love away. Keep my heart loving You alone daily, Lord Jesus.
Lagos, Nigeria
Lord, Thou knowest all things; Thou knowest that I love Thee.