Jesus, our Lord, with what joy we adore Thee

Jesus, our Lord, with what joy we adore Thee,
  Chanting our praise to Thyself on the throne!
Blest in Thy presence, we worship before Thee,
  Own Thou art worthy, and worthy alone.
  Lord, Thou art worthy: Lord, Thou art worthy;
  Lord, Thou art worthy, and worthy alone!
Blest in Thy presence, we worship before Thee,
    Own Thou art worthy, and worthy alone!
Verily God, yet become truly human,
  Lower than angels to die in our stead;
How has that long promised “Seed of the woman”
  Trod on the serpent and bruised his head!
How didst Thou humble Thyself to be taken.
  Led by Thy creatures and nailed to the cross.
Hated of men, and of God too forsaken,
  Shunning not darkness, the curse, and the loss.
How hast Thou triumphed, and triumphed with glory,
  Battled death’s forces, rolled back every wave!
Can we refrain then from telling the story?
  Lord, Thou art Victor o’er death and the grave.

Lord you died in our stead!

Samuel Sundaram

Ootacamund, Tamilnadu, India

What a wonderful song! One of my favourites since I accepted the Lord and started attending a believer's church.

Steve Miller

Detroit, Michigan, United States

We discussed today what "own Thou art worthy" means in the chorus.

"own" here means to acknowledge or admit.

The subject of "own" is "we" in the previous line.

Patricia Mensah


"And I wept much because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look into it. And one of the elders said to me, Do not weep; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root David, has overcome so that He may open the scroll and its seven seals. Rev. 5:4-5"

This morning all that I say is, Lord Thou art worthy!

Xu Tang

Calgary, Canada

Lord, Thou art worthy: Lord, Thou art worthy;

Lord, Thou art worthy, and worthy alone!

Blest in Thy presence, we worship before Thee,

Own Thou art worthy, and worthy alone!

Pat Bradley

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Stanza three leads us to worship the Lord Jesus as the only One qualified to be the fulfillment and reality of the type of the Burnt Offering in Leviticus.

He was brought to the slaughter (Isa. 53:7; Phil. 2:8 )

He was slaughtered (Luke 23:21; Acts 2:23 )

He was skinned (Matthew 11:19; Mark 3:22; John 8:48 )

He was cut into pieces (Mark 15:29-32; Psalm 22:16-17)

Therefore, He alone is worthy!

Jadyn Montecarlos

Millbread, CA, United States

Lord, Thou art worthy!


Fontana, California, United States

It's lit 👌


Lord thou art worthy and worthy alone!!!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI

Mr. H. D'Arcy Champney, M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, was ordained as a Church of England clergyman. He was gifted in preaching, especially the gospel, but despite the fact that there was a large field of labour open to him in Cambridge, he resigned his clerical post to throw in his lot with the 'brethren'. Subsequently he started a school for the sons of brethren at 51 Bateman Street, Cambridge. Mr. Champney was only 36 in 1890 – and living in Cambridge – when he wrote his 'Letter to the Saints Gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ', in which he skillfully chronicles the malicious and vicious opposition to Mr. Raven and the truth and touchingly appeals to those in danger of being led astray by the partisan and divisive actions of some prominent persons.

His initials often appear in readings with both F. E. Raven and J. Taylor. - mybrethren


The chorus and stanzas 2 & 3 above were not in the original. Stanza 4 above is the original 2nd stanza. There are 2 more stanzas:


3 "Lord, what is man?" we would break forth exclaiming;

Jesus, the crowned One, the Lamb that was slain!

Joyful we own Thee, Thy praises proclaiming;

Death Thou hast vanquished by rising again!


4 "Lord, what is man?" Yes, with deep adoration,

Gladly prolong we this wonderful theme;

Jesus, divine One, Thou Head of creation,

Head of Thy church, which Thou cam'st to redeem!

Piano Hymns