Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,
the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy
health and salvation!
All ye who hear,
Now to His temple draw near;
Sing now in glad adoration!
the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy
health and salvation!
All ye who hear,
Now to His temple draw near;
Sing now in glad adoration!
Praise to the Lord, who o’er all
things so wondrously reigneth,
Who, as on wings of an eagle,
uplifteth, sustaineth.
Hast thou not seen
How thy desires all have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
things so wondrously reigneth,
Who, as on wings of an eagle,
uplifteth, sustaineth.
Hast thou not seen
How thy desires all have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?
Praise to the Lord, who hath fearfully,
wondrously, made thee!
Health hath vouchsafed and, when
heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.
What need or grief
Ever hath failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade thee.
wondrously, made thee!
Health hath vouchsafed and, when
heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.
What need or grief
Ever hath failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade thee.
Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper
thy work and defend thee,
Who from the heavens the streams of
His mercy doth send thee.
Ponder anew
What the Almighty can do,
Who with His love doth befriend thee.
thy work and defend thee,
Who from the heavens the streams of
His mercy doth send thee.
Ponder anew
What the Almighty can do,
Who with His love doth befriend thee.
Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all that
is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come
now with praises before Him!
Let the Amen
Sound from His people again;
Gladly for aye we adore Him.
is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come
now with praises before Him!
Let the Amen
Sound from His people again;
Gladly for aye we adore Him.
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Liverpool, Lancashire
I used to love singing this hymn during school assemblies many years ago.
I found myself thinking about the words after I prayed this morning. I was amazed to find it on this site within seconds of struggling to remember all verses. With all are broken dreams, God has created a wonder world!
Lagos, Nigeria
Manila, Philippines
Almighty Creator deserves All our praise and worship!
"What need or grief ever had failed of relief"
Let us adore Him!!!
Nairobi, Kenya
Praise God with all what you have. Glory.
Praise the Lord!
Elmhurst, IL
Truly, All that hath life and breath, come now…. with Praises before Him!
Chicago, IL, United States
Ponder a new!!
How often I get stuck in my "sinken thinken" Each thought is yet another opportunity to Ponder a new what the Almighty can do. He did it all. All I have to do is to accept it. Jesus did it all, all to Him I owe.
Kennesaw, GA, United States
Our God is our Friend, our Father, our hope, our Redeemer and a consuming fire. I love this song especially where it says He befriends us. Praise to The Lord. Wish more people could know the benovolence and terror of the Creator of all.
Detroit, MI, United States
As a [theology] student in Bremen, Germany, Joachim Neander lived a Godless life. Then, when Neander was 20, a preacher named Under-Eyke came to Bremen and Neander was converted.
Four years later he became headmaster of a school in Dusseldorf, and during his time there he wrote more than 60 hymns. Because of his strong Christian views and his evangelistic activities [and his popularity with the common people - Wikepedia], he displeased the authorities and was eventually removed from his position.
Despite the tensions, he wrote many hymns of praise. He often wandered through the valleys and hills near Dusseldorf, communing with his Lord. After losing his position at the school, he lived for a time in a cave and continued to write hymns. He died very young at the age of 30, but he left behind him a legacy of praise to God. - Great Songs of Faith by Brown & Norton
While living in Dusseldorf, he liked to go to the nearby valley of the Düssel river, nature being the inspiration for his poems. He also held gatherings and services in the valley, at which he gave sermons. The Neandertal (German thal for valley, modernized to tal) was renamed in his honor in the early 19th century, and became famous in 1856 when the remains of the Homo neanderthalensis (Neanderthal Man) were found there. - Wikipedia
Brampton, ON, Canada
Great site for hymns. Thank you. I created a site to deal with issues of life from a Christian perspective.