Crown Him with many crowns

B88 E142 F26 P69 R109 S72
Crown Him with many crowns,
  The Lamb upon His throne;
Hark! how the heav’nly anthem drowns
  All music but its own!
  Awake, my soul, and sing
  Of Him who died for thee,
And hail Him as thy matchless King
  Through all eternity.
Crown Him the Virgin’s Son,
  The God Incarnate born,
Whose arm those crimson trophies won
  Which now His brow adorn:
  Fruit of the mystic Tree,
  As of that Tree the Stem;
The Root whence flows Thy mercy free,
  The Babe of Bethlehem.
Crown Him the Lord of Love:
  Behold His hands and side;
Rich wounds yet visible above
  In beauty glorified:
  No angel in the sky
  Can fully bear that sight,
But downward bends his burning eye
  At mysteries so bright.
Crown Him the Lord of peace,
  Whose power a scepter sways
From pole to pole, that wars may cease,
  And all be prayer and praise.
  His reign shall know no end,
  And round His pierced feet
Fair flowers of glory now extend
  Their fragrance ever sweet.
Crown Him the Lord of years,
  The Potentate of time.
Creator of the rolling spheres,
  Ineffably sublime.
  All hail, Redeemer, hail!
  For Thou hast died for me;
Thy praise shall never, never fail
  Throughout eternity.


Wonderful hymn, it's a pity we barely hear these being sung in churches anymore.


Lagos, Nigeria

Thanks for making my morning. Keeping me in remembrance of God's glory.

Walking By The Spirit Always

Alpharetta, GA, United States

I am a born again Christian like Leigh Powell. Growing up in church, singing in the choir with a mother who was an organist/choir director, I thought I was saved, but at 44 years old, I started hearing the Lord's voice. I found out that I had never repented of sins and received the Holy Spirit. I had been a "church lady" knowing all the songs without knowing the words IN my heart IN Christ. He brought be to repentance and told me to get baptized (Acts 2:38, John 10- My sheep know my voice and follow). So for fifteen years now, I hear His voice daily and almost always receive a song. Today is the day I received Crown Him With Many Crowns. The rapture is happening soon when Jesus as promised is coming in the air to take His saints from the graves and then we join them in the air to go to be with the King and Master, Redeemer and Savior to worship HIm forever. (1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15, Titus 2:13, Revelation 1-4:1).

In these days where so many don't even believe in the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, three persons in ONE, this song represents them well. I also liked the new verses written: One with the Father known, One with the Spirit given. The Lord said that they would no longer endure sound doctrine, but go to teachers/preachers who tickle their itching ears.

If you don't know for sure that you are ready for rapture, check out my YT channel or read Leigh's comment because only the born again Christians are leaving this world. And read the book of Revelation to see what horrible things are coming for those left behind. God will be gathering His Jewish people mostly, so by His grace and mercy, get saved now. Read all of the Bible and worship Jesus in Spirit and in truth. God bless you.


Covington, Georgia, United States

Beautiful hymn, regal and glorious, befitting the holy Son of God, restored by the resurrection to his heavenly throne at the right hand of God the Father. Remembered incomplete from my childhood, thanks to the internet and this website, it resounds again in my heart. The stately lyrics, written over a century ago, still ring true and powerful today. Thank you for refreshing this happy memory from years ago, attending services with my beloved mother in the Methodist church.

Damanie Beckles

New York, United States

such a beautiful hymn

Caroline Diller

Austin, TX, United States

Let Him be the king of my heart who reigns in my life!


Tacoma, WA, United States

This hymn is Incredible!


Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I agree with Mr. Bumgarner's comment! Amen!

Leigh Powell

How can a person crown the lamb upon the throne?

First of all the Lamb upon the throne is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is at the right hand of the Majesty on High in Heaven (Hebrews 1). The Holy Spurit is subject to the leading of God the Father and God the Son, and takes of the things of the Lord Jesus and reveals them to His disciples.

A person can only crown the Lord Jesus who sits on the throne of Heaven by being born again of God's Holy Spirit, and becomes a child of God into God's family through repentance and faith in the gospel ( found in the 4 gospels and Romans, all in the New Testament). Having repented and believed the gospel, a person is born again ( hence being a son of God (John 3 verse 3 and John 1 verse 12).

Abraham slew a ram in place of sacrifice his son Isaac, as God commanded. The Lord Jesus is God's sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world INCLUDING YOURS and MINE (I'm a born again Christian).

Only when we are spiritually able to crown the Lord Jesus Christ as King of our born again Christian lives will we be able to crown Him who sits up in the throne. In order to do anything pleasing for God, we must be born again.


Atlanta, GA, United States


We need to learn how to enter into the particular atmosphere of each Lord's table meeting and stay on one line. Once the meeting begins, we should sense the atmosphere and follow it. We should not have more than one beginning by trying to change the atmosphere or direction of a Lord's table meeting well after it has begun. There should be a smooth transition from one hymn to the next. We should not take this word in a legal way, but we need to exercise our spirit and our mind with its function of understanding to recognize, enter into, discern, and taste the flavor and atmosphere of a meeting. This requires learning.

We should not call hymns and offer praises in a table meeting according to our personal feeling but should follow the corporate flow and atmosphere. In a particular Lord's table meeting, someone may call Hymns, #86, which is not high but is deep and tender. This hymn praises the Lord for His human living. Many Christians do not know how to enter into the feeling of such a hymn because they do not know how to appreciate and praise the Lord for His human living. There will be a lack of continuation if soon after we sing this hymn in a Lord's table meeting, someone calls a hymn such as Hymns, #142, which begins, "Crown Him with many crowns." After a hymn has been called, we should spend some time to taste and digest the hymn. At least four or five prayers of praise are needed to digest most hymns. The dishes in a feast are not served in rapid sequence; instead, there is time between each dish for enjoyment. To call a hymn with a different feeling soon after another one has been sung is to not sense the atmosphere but only take care of one's personal feeling. Our hymn calling should build up a proper spirit of remembering the Lord in His presence. We all need to learn, but no one should be discouraged or take this fellowship as a legal regulation.

Piano Hymns