Therefore with joy shall ye draw water

  Therefore with joy shall ye draw water
  Out of the wells of salvation.
And in that day shall ye say,
  Praise the Lord.
  (Repeat the above four lines)
  Call upon His name,
Declare His doings among the people,
Make mention that His name is exalted.
Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion:
For great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.

College Station, Texas, United States

Nice good, song👍🏼


Hong Kong, China

Nice good, song👍🏼

Noah Popovici

Folsom, California, United States

Nice good, song👍🏼

Caleb Neely

Roseville, California, United States

Nice good, song👍🏼


Tarro, Australia

Oh Father, I cry out to you. I am so very thirsty, so very dry. I don't feel alive. My soul does pant for You. Thankyou that you love me, thank you for all these beautiful people that have left comments. Just reading them has helped me. Oh how my being longs for you. I can't do this life without You.

Vanessa Myron


Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come to singing unto Zion and everlasting joy shall be upon their head. x2

They shall obtain gladness and joy and sorrow and mourning shall flee away


San Jose, CA, United States

Make mention that His name is exalted!


Milwaukee, WI, United States

According to the orthodox Jewish translation of Isaiah chapter 12 (only 6 verses see below esp v 2 & 3), the word salvation is actually Jesus!! Hallelujah. When you first read this, you think God has become salvation, the thing. But then you realize it's way better than that! He has become salvation, the person! Jesus is just that, salvation embodied, victory embodied, health embodied for every person that entrusts themselves to him. Talk about a gift wrapped in a beautiful package, God truly gave us his best.

Isaiah 12

1 And in Yom Hahu thou shalt say, Hashem, I will praise Thee; though Thou wast angry with me, Thine anger is turned away, and Thou comfortedst me.

2 Hinei, El is my Yeshuah (Salvation); I will trust, and not be afraid; for Hashem G-d is my strength and my zemirah; He also has become my Yeshuah (Salvation).

3 Therefore with sasson shall ye draw mayim out of the wells of Yeshuah (Salvation).

4 And in Yom Hahu shall ye say, Hodu LaHashem, call upon Shmo, declare His deeds among the peoples, proclaim that Shmo is exalted.

5 Sing unto Hashem; for He hath done glorious things; let this be known b’chol ha’aretz.

6 Cry out and shout for joy, thou inhabitant of Tziyon; for gadol is Kadosh Yisroel in the midst of thee.

Bukola Da-Silva

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Quite inspiring and commendable.


Temerloh, Malaysia


Piano Hymns