Just taste and see that the Lord is good

CB1331 D1331 E1331 F244 G1331 K961 LSM313 P468 R789 S493
Just taste and see that the Lord is good;
Just taste and see that the Lord is good.
He’s good for you, as He is for me;
So whatever you do, just taste and see.
Just call O Lord—He’ll change your life;
Just call O Lord He’ll change your life.
Amazing grace He will afford;
If in every place You call O Lord.
You’ll feel real love coming into your heart;
You’ll feel real love coming into your heart.
You’ll sense a flow from God above;
And You will know you’ve found real love.
So praise the Lord for His life in you;
Yes, praise the Lord for His life in you.
Something of Christ He has outpoured
Into your life; so praise the Lord!
Samuel Yu

Austin, TX, United States

Oh Lord Amen Hallelujah!


Edo, Edo State, Nigeria

Praise the Lord!!

Laura Souto

Austin, Texas, United States

Praise the Lord that He has outpoured into our lives!! Praise that we have found true love!

Ling Liu

Alhambra, California, United States

Amazing grace man could not afford, Just taste and seeeeeeeee.

Marina Sianez

Oklahoma, United States

Praise the Lord for His life in us!!!! Something of Christ He has outpoured in us!!! Amen we have Christ as our life, hallelujah!!!!


Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Just praise the Lord, for His life is in us.

Allen In Christ

San Marcos, Texas, United States

Ah Christ is the firstfruits! Oh just taste and see!


Anahiem, California

We just need to taste to see You Lord.

Joey Wu

Bellevue, WA, United States

mmmMMmm... delicious

Samuel Yu

Austin, TX, United States

Oh Lord Amen Hallelujah!

Piano Hymns