The day approaches; Jesus soon is coming.
Redeem the time; it must not slip away.
Lord, make us ready for the cry: “Behold Him!”
By using every moment of each day.
Redeem the time; it must not slip away.
Lord, make us ready for the cry: “Behold Him!”
By using every moment of each day.
When Jesus comes, will we go in to meet Him?
When Jesus comes, will we from self have ceased?
He’s coming soon to take the wise ones with Him.
Oh, let us not be left outside the feast.
When Jesus comes, will we from self have ceased?
He’s coming soon to take the wise ones with Him.
Oh, let us not be left outside the feast.
Lord, help us to redeem these golden moments;
Our vessels fill with ointment from above;
Help us amen each trial and tribulation;
Increase in us; make us abound in love.
Our vessels fill with ointment from above;
Help us amen each trial and tribulation;
Increase in us; make us abound in love.
He’s coming soon—these moments are so precious.
The oil is here—Oh, let us buy the more.
Amen the trials and welcome tribulations—
The kingdom’s ours through these afflictions sore.
The oil is here—Oh, let us buy the more.
Amen the trials and welcome tribulations—
The kingdom’s ours through these afflictions sore.
Lord, ever turn us from our soulish pleasures
To gaze upon Thy tender, loving face.
Oh, keep us running forth to meet the Bridegroom
And patiently attending to the race.
To gaze upon Thy tender, loving face.
Oh, keep us running forth to meet the Bridegroom
And patiently attending to the race.
When Jesus comes, will we be in His presence?
When Jesus comes, will we His face behold?
Oh, let us not return to sloth and folly,
But jealously His loving presence hold.
When Jesus comes, will we His face behold?
Oh, let us not return to sloth and folly,
But jealously His loving presence hold.
As His dear Bride, let us go forth to meet Him,
Our lamps well-trimmed, our fires burning bright,
Our vessels filled, our eyes set on His glory,
To be with Him completely satisfied.
Our lamps well-trimmed, our fires burning bright,
Our vessels filled, our eyes set on His glory,
To be with Him completely satisfied.
Yes, satisfied—Christ and His Bride together.
Yes, satisfied—throughout eternity.
Oh, what a rest, what joy, what love, what favor
To be His Bride when He comes to His feast!
Yes, satisfied—throughout eternity.
Oh, what a rest, what joy, what love, what favor
To be His Bride when He comes to His feast!
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London, United Kingdom
Yes, satisfied—Christ and His Bride together.
Yes, satisfied—throughout eternity.
Oh, what a rest, what joy, what love, what favor
To be His Bride when He comes to His feast!
Irvine, California, United States
He who testifies these things says, Yes, I come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!
Revelation 22:20
Louisiana, United States
Praise you Lord you will get your Bride.
Anaheim, CA, United States
Today is the day to pay the price. There are no shortcuts, the price must be paid. The time to spend with the Lord, the price to experience a fresh Christ today... let's pay the price saints, it's well worth it!!!
Sterling, Mass, United States
The Church is the bride of Christ, We must be ready to turn the age. The saints in Worcester welcome the Kingdom with our whole being!
Austin, TX, United States
Help us amen each trial and tribulation;
Increase in us; make us abound in love.
Camarillo, CA, United States
This song is very Lovely and we need to be ready and GOD IS COMING EVERYDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jakarta, Indonesia
Amen for the trials and tribulation. Pay the price, buy oil, and redeem the time is now. Let us not be left outside the feast.
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Lovely praise to Him in our Friday night meeting!!!
Oceanside, California, United States
This is a nice song, loved it.