The vict’ry’s won! The Lord has triumphed o’er the foe

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The vict’ry’s won! The Lord has triumphed o’er the foe!
The vict’ry shout is heard afar and near!
His blood prevails! It giveth us the victory!
And soon the mighty Victor will appear.
The vict’ry’s won! O Christian brothers,
The vict’ry’s won! This shout we raise!
In Zion’s city, proclaim His vict’ry
  Till all the earth is filled with praise.
The vict’ry’s won! O Christian sisters,
The mighty work of Christ is done!
The Lord victorious has conquered for us—
  Eternal joys have now begun.
The vict’ry’s won! We’ve overcome the enemy.
The Word of God we boldly testify.
God speaks His Word—in it there’s life and liberty—
And by the Word the devil we defy.
The vict’ry’s won! Beneath our feet the enemy,
For we love not our soul life unto death;
And so we shout, “O Lord, You are our victory!”
And praise our God with all our spirit’s breath.
James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

This song is based on Revelations 12:11. “And thy overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives [soul lives] to the death”. In Philippians Paul says He who [Spirit] has begun a good work in you will complete it. That is our full salvation. Christ won the victory over His enemy at the cross. By us applying [experiencing] it in our lives by denying our soul life, we can join Christ in His victory. This is our testimony and we praise Him with all our spirit’s breath!

Taylor Jenkins

Roseburg, Oregon, United States

The vict’ry’s won! This shout we raise!

Muhan Samuel Yu

Austin, TX, United States

"O Lord, You are our victory! ”

Piano Hymns