In the church the sound of life upon our ear is falling

CB1236 Cs716 E1236 G1236 R606 T1236
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In the church the sound of life upon our ear is falling,
Then we see the joy of Christ expressed on every hand;
Babylon and things of earth in vain to us are calling.
  We are home forever in Christ our land.
We’re churching in the Spirit
On the church’s local ground;
We’re churching with our brothers,
Our family we have found.
Oh, yes, we’re churching with the churches,
And we’ll make the earth resound
  With hallelujahs for Christ our land!
Far away our background seems with all its gifts and teaching,
Farther still, the worldly things with all their foul demand;
As the love of Jesus Christ our inmost heart is reaching,
  Not a thing can move us from Christ our land.
“I will build My church upon this rock,” said the Lord Jesus,
And we see the building of His purpose and His plan;
Setting members in the Body as Himself it pleases,
  Building us together in Christ our land.
Now the Lord’s recovery is everywhere proceeding,
All the churches join in one to give the Lord command:
“Speed the day when all the earth will echo with pray-reading
  And with hallelujahs for Christ our land.”
Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Praise the Lord! What a privilege it is for us today to see God’s move on earth today and to cooperate with His move through prayer, giving, and going! Hallelujah 😀

Raphael Shu

Matsudo, Japan

Very impressive, local ground means the oneness expressed in each locality. But the found is one universal church.

Sam Boban

Calicut, Kerala

Praise the Lord. Christ is our land.

Jemuel S. Cinso

Agusan Del Sur, Philippines


Johanna Assampong

Accra, Ghana

Oh I just love this song! I feel and see the the usefulness of this blessed oneness we have. The most encouraging aspect is that when we are one, we make the earth resound.

Grace Hsieh


Wow! I love this song!! I was quite familiar with this tune since I was child. But now when I am singing it again in English, I felt very englightened and joyful! I am especially touched by the last two lines of the chorus. When we are in our spirit, or with the brothers, or even singing this hymn, "we'll make the earth resound with hallehujahs for Christ our land!" This is such as blissful song! hehe!