Low in the grave He lay

B83 C99 CB123 E123 F21 K99 P58 R91 S58 T123
Low in the grave He lay—
  Jesus my Savior!
Waiting the coming day—
  Jesus my Lord!
Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes
He arose a Victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!
  Hallelujah! Christ arose!
Vainly they watch His bed—
  Jesus, my Savior!
Vainly they seal the dead—
  Jesus my Lord!
Death cannot keep his prey—
  Jesus, my Savior!
He tore the bars away—
  Jesus my Lord!
John Edem

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

This is what makes the easter Friday a good Friday.

Charity Esor

Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria

Indeed Christ arose and He is up there interceding on our behalf . No mater what we are going through, Christ has given us victory.



Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

GLORY to God, Covid19 is Defeated...


Hallelujah 👏💃đŸ•ē🛐🙇đŸŋ‍♀ī¸




I, like some others who testified, woke up with this song in my spirit. As l sang, l was happy and the Lord ministered that His children must remember that He arose triuphantly and won a MIGHTY and TOTAL victory on our behalf. Victory over COVID-19 right now that has rendered the world helpless, over Cancer, over any thing, person or situation that tends to intimidate us. What a WONDERFUL SAVIOUR JESUS IS. I encourage you to trust in Him and be hopeful and comforted because He can never fail. Thank you Jesus.


Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

I woke up this morning with this song in my thought, he is the reason while I live. His death payed for my sins his risen erased all curses hallelujah. This hymn demean the devil. Thank God I choose to serve the almighty father.

Chris Abraham

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

He arose!

Leah Gail Crabtree

Camarillo, CA, United States

I thank the Lord for increasing the desire in me until I finally resorted to Google (I am generally a non-fan of monopolies) and FOUND the lyrics to this song! It has always been deeply entwined with my joy when I've contemplated the reality of the Resurrection. I have come to discover this reality is a daily occurrence in my own soul, if I'll allow it. THANK YOU web designers, too, for building this bridge for me and many others to find.


Asaba, Delta, Nigeria

The reason for this song is the hope and strength of our Faith today, for if Christ had not arose from the dead, we would not have been believers today. I love this hymn, and also I celebrate the composer, may God honour him.


This song is the best.



Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria

I will proclaim for the whole world to know. My Jesus rose from the dead!

Piano Hymns