What a wonderful change in my living is wrought

Cs453 E1219 F143 LSM319 T1219
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What a wonderful change in my living is wrought
  By saying Amen to God’s Word.
More of Christ into me at each instance is brought
  By saying Amen to His Word.
By saying Amen to His Word,
By saying Amen to His Word,
Thus the Lord takes my heart, and transforms every part,
  By saying Amen to His Word.
What I never could do God is doing in me,
  By saying Amen to His Word.
And the change is so real all the brothers can see,
  By saying Amen to God’s Word.
I have ceased from my wandering and going astray
  By saying Amen to God’s Word.
And my old inclinations are passing away
  By saying Amen to His Word.
Now the secret of faith in the Lord I can see—
  It’s saying Amen to His Word.
He is more real and precious than all things to me
  By saying Amen to His Word.
Now my love for the brothers abounds more and more
  By saying Amen to God’s Word.
And I’m being related as never before
  By saying Amen to His Word.
Now my hope in the Lord’s soon return groweth bright
  By saying Amen to His Word.
I am ready to see Him, my Lord, my delight,
  By saying Amen to His Word.
Lord Jesus, Amen to Your Word,
Lord Jesus, Amen to Your Word.
You are coming again—all my heart says Amen!
  Lord Jesus, Amen to Your Word!
Maria Levi

Los Angeles, CA, United States

John 1:1, 14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and tabernacled among us,... full of grace and reality.

Revelation 19:11, 13b ... And behold, a white horse, and He who sits on it called Faithful and True,... and His name is called the Word of God.

1 Chronicles 16:36 Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel,

From eternity to eternity. And all the people said, Amen, and praised Jehovah.

2 Corinthians 1:20 For as many promises of God as there are, in Him is the Yes; therefore also through Him is the Amen to God,...

Revelation 3:14b These things says the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the beginning of the creation of God:


Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Saying Amen to the Lord & to His Word is my putting my trust & agreement in Him & His Word in what He says. This makes us more dependent on Him. He is the Amen in us.

Saying Amen is to contact Him because Amen is one of His names! (Rev 3:14)


Gary & Lisa Beckham Sr

Byhalia, MS, United States

I believe when we say Amen to His Holy Living Word, we trust in and agree with His Word, and believe into Him in faith because John 1:1 says In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God & the Word was God.

Rev 22:21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.


Does anyone know where this comes from in the Bible?


Round Rock, United States Of America, United States

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Amen to God living in us! We can say amen to His word. We are not able to do anything but He is fully able! We love and praise our wonderful Triune God!

In a song about saying amen to the Word of God, there is a line I appreciate very much:

What I never could do God is doing in me

By saying Amen to His Word.

Hymns, #1219

What we are not able to do ourselves God desires to do in us. For example, a husband should say to the Lord, 'Lord, You ask me to love my wife. Lord, I love You, but I must tell You that I cannot love my wife.' Then the Lord will say, 'Right, you can't love your wife, but I will love her through you. What you cannot do, I will do in you.' Concerning the commandments to love the brothers and to love our neighbor as ourselves, we should also say, 'Lord, I love You, but I must be honest with You. I cannot love the brothers, and I cannot love others as myself. I have many neighbors and relatives, but I simply am not able to love them. Lord, I love You and I love Your Word, but I simply am not able to love them. Lord, I love You and I love Your Word, but I cannot love other people.' Once again the Lord will tell us that what we are not able to do He will do from within us. This is God's economy both in the Old Testament and in the New.