From my spirit within flows a fountain of life

CB1191 Cs410 E1191 G1191 LSM129 P310 R117 S222 T1191
From my spirit within flows a fountain of life—
  The Triune God flowing in me;
God the Father’s the source, Christ the Son is the course,
  And the Spirit imparts life to me.
Lord, I treasure the sweet flow of life,
  And my soul-life at last I lay down;
O Lord, deepen the pure flow of life;
    At Your coming may life be my crown.
In the fresh, tender grass Jesus makes me lie down;
  He leads me by waters of rest;
No more struggle and strain; all self-effort is vain;
  In the flow I am perfectly blessed.
Jesus called me one day to the Holiest Place,
  To live in His presence divine;
Hallelujah, I’ve heard an encouraging word:
  “Abide—you’re a branch in the vine.”
Isaya Kisekka

Garden City, Kansas, United States

Oh Lord Jesus!

Deepen the sweet flow of life in me.

David Bochorishvili

Tbilisi, Georgia

O Lord, deepen the pure flow of life;

At Your coming may life be my crown.

李 菲 麗

NC, United States

Amen! God works by flowing! I enjoy this short enlightening and inspiring post in relation to His 'flowing' hymn! Enjoy more flowing at:

Igor Savinkin

Kaliningrad, Russia

I do want the Lord to deepen the flow of His life in me, the very essence of His being. Yet I realise, the increase of the divine flow in me is in proportion to me losing my soul-life. "LORD, cause me to desire to lose my soul life for the flow to deepen in me. This flow is ultimately not for myself but for the Body of Christ, for the bridal army to come to the full manifestation. LORD, do it.

Mary Priest

Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia

When I feel myself being emptied this song will remind me again and again that we have the triune God flowing in us richly. Lord Jesus continue to flow into us.


SF, CA, United States

One of my favorite hymns. God is Triune so He can flow into us. The shortage is that we don't enjoying God's flowing enough. "Lord, deepen the pure flow of life." May we learn to echo this hymn as our prayer back to Him.

Tadiwa Elisha Nyamasvisva

Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia

I feel my self being emptied and immediately being filled with the sweet flow of life, Lord Jesus Christ. Yes on your coming Lord may life be my reward. Amen.

Jason Au

Anaheim, California, United States

I really like this song, and I really appreciate the person who wrote this song even more. This song brings me to tears sometimes. It is very sweet and lovely.

The sweet flow of life. The "pom pom pom". The divine transmission between the Creator and the created. The very reason for this universe. The divine romance between God and man. It's finally coming to terms with what is real in this universe.

Berean Steward II

Columbus, North Dakota, United States

I love this hymn too. The melody fits the well written lyrics. It is important to compose hymns and spiritual songs with melody as the Apostle Paul tells us to do, and not with rock music beat. Melody should always be at the forefront of all of our composing, playing and singing. The Greek word for melody is psallo, which means melody or psalming.

"...but be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord..." (Eph. 5:18b-19).

More than any other verse in the Bible, I have pray-read Rev. 22:1 a myriad of times. This verse speaks of this wonderful pure flow of the river of water of life. "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb" (Rev. 22:1).


Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I was struck by the contrast of this hymn and the original words to the same tune - The Old Rugged Cross. "From my spirit within " is a striking contrast to, "On a hill far away". One is so subjective and the other so objective. One speaks of judicial redemption and the other organic salvation."

Piano Hymns