I love Thee, Jesus

Cs301 E1154 F114 G1154 K788 LSM192 P273 R401 S277 T1154
I love Thee, Jesus,
And Thy love to me
Draws me, ever to seek Thee
  And run after Thee,
Draws me, ever to seek Thee
  And run after Thee.
    Thou art beloved,
    Yea! Altogether lovely,
    The One in whom my heart delighteth.
Thy love, Lord Jesus,
Is sweeter than wine,
And Thy fragrance of ointments
  My heart doth entwine,
And Thy fragrance of ointments
  My heart doth entwine.
    A fount in gardens,
    A well of living waters,
    Which streams and flows from Lebanon’s mountains.
O come Beloved,
On my garden blow,
That the odor of spices
  May break forth and flow,
That the odor of spices
  May break forth and flow.
    My spouse, My sister,
    I’m come into My garden
    To feast upon wine, milk and honey.
Set me, Lord Jesus,
As seal on Thine heart;
Jealousy’s cruel as Sheol,
  And love’s strong as death,
Jealousy’s cruel as Sheol,
  And love’s strong as death.
    Much water cannot
    Quench love, nor do floods drown it.
    All man could give for love is contemned.
(Repeat the last three lines of each stanza)

Jakarta, Indonesia

Praised The Lord

Sister Vali

Tirane, Albania

I love Thee, Jesus,

And Thy love to me

Draws me, ever to seek Thee

And run after Thee,

Draws me, ever to seek Thee

And run after Thee.

Thou art beloved,

Yea! Altogether lovely,

The One in whom my heart delighteth.


Rancho Cucamonga, CA, United States

Song of Songs 8:6 Set me as a seal on your heart, / As a seal on your arm;

How wonderful, the Lord’s seeker realizes that in herself she is unable to stand and live in her Beloved until her rapture, so she asks Him to keep her with His love and strength. Keep us, Lord, with Your love and power every day. We love You.


New Jersey, United States



Minot, North Dakota, United States

The Lord's diligent seeker and lover comes to the highest experience of the Lord and what results is this unfettered outpouring of love towards the Lord. I admit I don't understand every word and every phrase in this hymn but there is something deep and profound about it. Something that goes beyond what the mind can comprehend. I pray that after I'm gone , those who remember me can say of me, he was a lover of Christ.

Rebecca Fan

Fairfax, VA, United States

When I was a child I always called "A New Commandment" which has the same tune as this hymn. I love how this hymn and "A New Commandment" are directly related.

The Lord's love is so unique and cannot be copied. Indeed "all man could give for love is contemned."

Lord, do set me as a "seal on your heart"


Lagos, Nigeria

Have always loved this hymn since I was a child .. God bless the writer.. this hymn speak a lot to me... am glad am born in a Christian home and it helped me a lot to know more wonderful hymns as this... thank you Lord



This hymn has really drawn me much more to run after the Lord. The first few lines in stanza one says, “I love thee, Jesus and Thy love, draws me ever to seek Thee and, run after Thee. ” After reading the book on Life and Building, I began to have a deeper appreciation of the Lord’s love. Such a love is strong as death, it isn’t quenched by many waters nor can the floods drown it, furthermore, it motivates us—His seekers to run after Him. We cannot help but love Him, He is altogether lovely! He is the greatest attraction in the universe! We are nonetheless captured, captivated, and constrained in our beings to love Him even more. May we learn to be subdued in our will by continually feeding upon Him and learn to love the Beloved according to His way, taste, intention and for His goal. At the end, nothing but love can keep us in a proper relationship with Him. This love outweighs the rest, just like in the church in Ephesus. May we give ourselves to love the Lord.

Sharon Wimer

Rancho Cordova, California, United States

Set me, Lord Jesus,

As seal on Thine heart;

Jealousy’s cruel as Sheol,

And love’s strong as death,

Jealousy’s cruel as Sheol,

And love’s strong as death.

Much water cannot

Quench love, nor do floods drown it.

All man could give for love is contemned

George Fociac


I love Thee Jesus

Thy love draws me near

Piano Hymns