We have found the Christ who’s all in all

CB1153 Cs202 D1153 E1153 F113 G1153 K966 LSM168 P302 R426 S276 T1153
We have found the Christ who’s all in all;
  He is everything to us;
O how blest upon His name to call,
  How divine, how glorious!
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
  Full of glory, full of glory;
It is joy unspeakable and full of glory,
    And the half has never yet been told!
We have found that Christ the Spirit is
  Who within our spirit dwells;
How available, how near He is,
  And His sweetness all excels.
We have found the way to live by Christ—
  Pray His Word and call His name!
This—the eating, drinking—has sufficed
  And its worth we now proclaim.
We have found the local church, our home;
  We are home and home indeed!
Nevermore in Babylon we roam;
  In the church is all we need.
We have found that meeting with the saints
  Is the greatest joy on earth;
’Tis by this our spirit never faints
  And our lives are filled with worth.
Daniel Gray

Spakenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands

Amen! It is joy unspeakable and full of glory!


New York, NY, United States

We have found that meeting with the saints is the greatest joy on earth;

Praise the Lord for the oneness of the Body! He is everything to us!

Francis Y Chow

Anaheim, CA, United States

It is joy unspeakable hallelujah!

Sister Ma


We have found the way to live by Christ!

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

Joy is our Master and He wants us to enter into His joy.

Jordan Frisco

Cincinnati, OH, United States

Saints, there is only one way to live by Christ - in Your redemption, in your life and in our spirit! Only in Your life we have the glorious joy unspeakable!

Thank You Lord for the enjoyment of this hymn with the new baptized ones in Cincinnati!

Glen V

San Jose, CA, United States

We have found our worth! Bless Our Saints on their next Chapter in Seattle!

Lito Marucut

Calantas Floridablanca, Pampanga, Philippines

Amen, the Lord is really full of Glory! It’s the greatest joy on earth to be found Christ who is all in all & everything to us!

Bola Odutayo

London, United Kingdom

I woke up this morning with this hymn in me.

Oh how blest it is to have such a wonderful All Inclusive Christ. Who is Everything to us and has Done Everything for us. My hear that truly overflows with Joy Unspeakable. .. I simply want to learn to seek, pursue and lay hold of this Christ who is All in All. I want to learn to Stop my whole being and just experience and enjoy Him all the time. Thank You Lord Jesus. We love You.

Matthew and Jonathan

Irvine, CA, United States

In the Church is all we need!

In the meetings we should practice speaking to one another in the spirit. If we are not in the spirit, our speaking will make us dead. We can speak Hymns, #1153 to one another: "We have found the Christ who's all in all; / He is everything to us." The brothers can say, "We have found the Christ who's all in all," and the sisters can reply, "He is everything to us." However, we do not have to be so rigid. For example, the brothers can say, "We have found the Christ who's all in all," some sisters can say, "He is," and other sisters can continue and say, "Everything to us." This is living, not dead. Instead of being rigid when we speak to one another, we should be flexible and follow the Spirit. Hence, we must practice regularly. We can even practice speaking while we are at home. The brothers can speak to their wives, and the wives can speak to their husbands. When we speak to one another, we should be living, and we should be in spirit.

I want to give you another illustration of how we should never be contented with what we have. In John 6:57 the Lord tells us, "he who eats Me shall also live because of Me." A few hymns in our hymnal tell us that "eating is the way." We must ask ourselves what the eating way is. How do we eat Jesus? In my writings I have only given you a small amount of information on this subject. Because I did not give you an adequate definition of the way to eat Jesus, you must study this point. To fully understand this point you must take care of the entire context of John 6:57. In verse 63 the Lord says, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life." This indicates that to eat Jesus is to receive Him into us as life. This corresponds with the principle of eating. Eating is to receive some organic nourishment into your being as your life. Eating is to take in the life supply. Some might say that it is heretical to say that people can eat Jesus. The Bible, however, says to eat Jesus.

We must realize that to eat Jesus is a figure of speech. It indicates that we need Jesus as our life supply so we receive Him into us as life supply just as we eat food. The Lord uses bread to illustrate that He is the life supply by saying that He is the bread of life (John 6:48). We eat bread by receiving it into our organic body, by digesting it into our blood, fibers and tissue. Therefore, to eat Jesus is to receive Him into our being. He is the Spirit and the Spirit is in the Word, so we have to take His Word by exercising our spirit. Then we receive the Spirit in the Word. This is Jesus becoming our inner life supply. Here we could see the way to eat Jesus.

Chapter six of John also indicates the Lord's death, that is, His being slain. Verse 54 tells us that His blood is drinkable and that His flesh is eatable. Here flesh and blood are mentioned separately. When blood is separate from flesh, it indicates death. This helps us further to see how to eat Jesus. To eat Jesus means to receive the crucified and resurrected Christ through His Word by exercising our spirit to receive the life-giving Spirit as our life supply.

Referring to the Lord Jesus, Peter goes on to say in [1 Peter 1] verse 8, "Whom having not seen, you love; in whom, not seeing at present yet believing, you exult with unspeakable and glorified joy." It is a wonder and a mystery that the believers love One whom they have not seen. The phrase "in whom" modifies believing. We love Him whom we have not seen because of believing, because of the very faith which has been infused into us through hearing the living word (Gal. 3:2). Hence, this faith is under the testing, the proving, in verse 7.

According to verse 8, the believers "exult with unspeakable and glorified joy." Glorified joy is joy immersed in glory; hence, it is full of glory, that is, full of the Lord expressed.

The King James Version adopts the rendering "joy unspeakable and full of glory." We also have a song in our hymnal that says, "It is joy unspeakable and full of glory" (Hymns, #1153). Actually, Peter does not mean that we are full of glory. On the contrary, he speaks of a glorified joy. We exult with a joy that is immersed in glory. This joy is immersed in the Lord as glory; thus, it is full of the expression of the Lord.

Piano Hymns