Let us eat Jesus every day

Let us eat Jesus every day,
Eating His flesh in such a way
That in the trials great or small
He as a Man will be our all.
Eat, eat more of Jesus!
Eat, eat more of Jesus!
Why should we undernourished be
  When we have His humanity?
Let us drink Jesus till we see
That we are human, Jesusly!
Till rivers flood the barren ground
And quench the thirst of all around.
Drink, drink more of Jesus!
Drink, drink more of Jesus!
Why should we ever thirsty be
  When we have His humanity?
We must eat Jesus till God can
Have the fulfillment of His plan—
One man expressed for all to see,
One church in each locality.
We’ll masticate Jesus!
We’ll masticate Jesus!
Then to the tent of meeting bring
  Jesus, our real meal offering.
Tina Barton

Lubbock, TX, United States

Let us eat Jesus every day

Eating His flesh in such a way

That in the trials great or small

He as a Man will be our all...

James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

This matter of taking God’s word by faith, not just knowledge or doctrine, is disclosed in John’s gospel. When the Lord said it was necessary to eat and drink Him many left. This word of eating and drinking was presented in a hard way. But those that follow the Lord must now live by faith. You must believe this human Jesus is the very God from heaven and you can receive Him and His life into us. By faith anyone can take Christ as food and live spiritually. God is now the Spirit in our spirit. You can see how profound this is. You can’t understand it. You must believe!

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Praise the Lord we have Jesus humanity! Christ is the bread of life to us – not only to nourish and satisfy us, but His being and living, how He took the Father as His source, becomes our bread. As we eat this One, we become a duplication of Him to live because of Him. Hallelujah! Lord Jesus we ❤️ you!

James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

Yes. We must eat Jesus every day. Eating is crucial to Life. That is our spiritual life. With out manna the Israelites would have died in the wilderness. That was a picture Christ coming as the real bread of life. We need to go to Christ in the word each morning so He can feed us. Eating satisfies our souls hunger. It is also very tasty and gives us nutrition and enjoyment! This enjoyment of Christ carries us on. Eating will make us one with God and each other, which is the fulfillment of God’s plan. In John chapter 6 when the pharisees heard the word about eating they left. We must come to Christ in the Word with a believing heart seeking Him by musing on the Word. The Lord Himself said to eat His flesh and drink His blood. Wasn’t this too harsh. Later in John He says you must believe in Me. The New Testament way is by eating, even masticating the Word. Doesn’t this confront our religious way of depending on our mental understanding? Knowledge puffs up. Eating makes us like Him! the loving one. Love builds up!

Terry Connor

St Helens, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Eat him and get him in every cell of one's being.... Amen

Kenya Neal

Gainesville, FL, United States

Why should we ever thirsty be

When we have His humanity?

Drink, drink more of Jesus!


Owerri, Imo, Nigeria

Oh Jesus is so sweet

Why are we undernourished???

Saints let’s masticate Jesus


Antipas Vadje

Pepease, Eastern, Ghana

Hallelujah!!! Eating is the Way. Why should we undernourished be when we have His humanity. When we eat and are constituted with Him, we will become Humanly-Jesusly! Praise the Lord, Jesus is good for food!

Amen We Have God's Life

We are Jesusly human.


Tbilisi, Georgia

Oh Lord what a union , we are organically one with You and we eat You and drink You and live because of You.

Thank You that YOU made us eating vessels, we are able to eat You and become as You in life and nature, we are Your living organic members, we are joined to You, mingled with You, we are living, we are growing in You. Oh Lord how we thank You.

I love this hymn so much. It's very dear and precious, very simple but full of meaning, everything in God's economy depends on our eating of Christ. We are reconstituted by eating Christ. All we have to do is eat, digest and asimilate God. Oh LORD RECOVER OUR FUNCTION OF EATING YOU.

Piano Hymns