Seven Spirits of our God

CB1122 Cs102 E1122 F51 G1122 K814 R187 S136 T1122
“Seven Spirits” of our God—
Lo, the age has now been turned
To the Spirit with the Son.
For the churches He’s concerned.
Come, O seven Spirits, come,
Thy recovery work be done!
Burn and search us thoroughly,
All the churches are for Thee.
  Burn us, search us,
  All the churches are for Thee!
Sevenfold the Spirit is
For the deadness of the church,
That the saints may turn and live,
That the Lord may burn and search.
Now the Spirit of our God
Has become intensified:
’Tis not one but sevenfold
That the church may be supplied!
Now the seven Spirits are
Seven lamps of burning fire,
Not to teach us, but to burn,
Satisfying God’s desire.
See the seven Spirits now—
Seven piercing, searching eyes.
In the church exposing us,
All the church He purifies.
Seven Spirits doth the Lord
For the churches now employ;
All those in the local church
May this Spirit now enjoy.

WA, United States

He is the seven-fold intensified Spirit before the throne right now to carry out His administration, running to and fro on the whole earth! "Christ as the redeeming Lamb has seven observing and searching eyes for executing God's judgment upon the universe to fulfill God's eternal purpose, which will consumate in the building up of the New Jerusalem. Therefore, in Zechariah 3:9 He is prophesied as the stone, which is the topstone (4:7), with seven eyes for God's building. These seven eyes are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth, running "to and fro on the whole earth,"(v. 10)....

"Eventually this compound Spirit of Jesus Christ becomes the seven Spirits of God, who are the seven lamps of fire before His throne to carry out His administration on earth for the accomplishment of His economy with the church, and who are the seven eyes of the Lamb for the transfusing of all that He is into the church (Rev. 1:4, 4:5, 5:6).":The Holy Word for Morning Revival: Living in and with the Divine Trinity, pp. 116, 95. Living Stream Ministry


Santa Cruz, California, United States

Come, O seven Spirits, come!

May Thy recovery work be done in all the churches!

Not to teach us, but to burn!

Burn us, search us, All the churches are for Thee!

Isabel Mendoza

Spartanburg, SC, United States

oh ven 7 Espiritus de Dios

Ven y termina lo que enpesaste

Oh Señor Jesus

Prepara Tu novia

Oh ese dia se aproxima

Ven y cumple con el plan

Hiram Chalcedony Guyo

Lucena City, Quezon Province, Philippines

3 Now the Spirit of our God

Has become intensified:

’Tis not one but sevenfold

That the church may be supplied!

2Co 3:6 - Who has also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant, ministers not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

Through our enjoyment of the sevenfold intensified Spirit, not only ourselves would benefit but also the other members of the Body. Thus we are having a constant supply with each member. In this way, we would have rich experience in the church life because we are ministering life with each other.

Sonny Seria

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Now the Spirit of our God has become intensified [Revelation 4:5 - seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God] not to teach us but to supply us - “the Spirit gives life”

The seven Spirits are undoubtedly the Spirit of God because They are ranked among the Triune God in [Rev. 1] vv. 4 and 5. As seven is the number for completion in God’s operation, so the seven Spirits must be for God’s move on the earth. In essence and existence, God’s Spirit is one; in the intensified function and work of God’s operation, God’s Spirit is sevenfold. This is similar to the lampstand in Zech. 4:2. In its existence it is one lampstand, but in its function it is seven lamps. At the time this book [Revelation] was written, the church had become degraded; the age was dark. Therefore, the sevenfold intensified Spirit of God was needed for God’s move and work on the earth. (Rev. 1:4, footnotes 5)

Jovan Heron

Aachen, NRW, Germany

He has only one concern. His concern is His Church. He has become sevenfold intensified to supply the Churches. HE WILL BUILD HIS CHURCH! Amen. Lord Jesus come quickly!


Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Thank You Lord for the sevenfold intensified Spirit.

Allen In Christ

San Marcos, TX, United States

Yes Lord enough teachings! More thorough burning. Oh seven searching, piercing and burning eyes work in us till You’re satisfied.

Victoria L.

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Oh Lord Jesus. In Your mercy, You brought me in contact with the glorious church and the saints where I saw You like never before; where the book of Revelations and other books were unveiled to me. No longer do I dread Revelations and the "seven spirits of God", but now, stand I in love and awe of Your work in this day and age. Lord burn me, search me. Enough teachings, more thorough burning, until I can be a part of Your sportless, radiant bride. Amen.



We Cannot serve two masters. CHRIST IS HERE! Where are you? O saints Be found in Him, in resurrection not in self. Lord my empty vessel I bring again n again. School work or home Lord we consecrate all, in love for YOU.

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