Jesus, keep me near the cross

Jesus, keep me near the cross,
  There a precious fountain,
Free to all—a healing stream,
  Flows from Calv’ry’s mountain.
  In the cross, in the cross,
  Be my glory ever;
From the cross my ransomed soul
    Nothing then shall sever.
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
  Love and mercy found me;
There the Bright and Morning Star
  Sheds its beams around me.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
  Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day,
  With its shadow o’er me.
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,
  Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I see my Savior’s face,
  Leave His presence never.
Abel Stephen Awamim

Gonigora, Kaduna/Chikun, Nigeria

Thanks you for bringing this song to me this afternoon through our father.

Chinyere Uduku

VGC, Lagos, Nigeria

Lord Jesus, may you forever keep me near the Cross for faithfulness, steadfastness and safety. I will forever cherish the Cross , where my Crown is guaranteed.

Cynthia Yebga

Buea, South West, Cameroon

I am going through one of the most challenging times of my life. Almost losing myself, I can't help but sing this song from a bleeding heart. I am confident God is with me!

Kenya Neal

Gainesville, FL, United States

Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,

Hoping, trusting ever,

Till I see my Savior’s face,

Leave His presence never.

In the cross, in the cross,

Be my glory ever;

From the cross my ransomed soul

Nothing then shall sever.

Ejetavbo Florence Ogochukwu

Ughelli, Delta, Nigeria

This song came to me as I did my quiet time this morning. I searched for it and sang through. Quite inspiring. Lord Jesus, my Lord, my life, my way, my end, please ever always have me by thy cross. I know I will always be good there. Please let NOTHING keep me away from this rugged old cross.

Udoh, Saturday Amos

Ikot Udo, Akwa Ibom /ukpum Minya,mkpat Enin, Nigeria

Especially in the Easter , this song always make His crucification and Resurrection a thing of now ¬ of yrs gone. I wake with it in the morning , glowing & sweating in the spiritual ecstacy of His anointing . oh what song , what a wisdom of lyrics & tune by the writer through the inspiration of the Almighty God. I bless you Lord for using the writer for us .

Obinna Okechukwu

Bonny Island, Rivers, Nigeria

It is Amazing to know that my spirit longs for God. Appreciating the beauty of the cross upon which our salvation was won. God, I love you. Permit me never to seperate from you again. Amen


Jamaica, St. Catherine, Jamaica

Lord I honour your name. This song makes me so emotional. And I want to live in the light of God so I will be able to meet him when that day comes.

Magdalene Abba

Jos, Plateau, Nigeria

As I'm having my quiet time this morning, this soul lifting song came to mind over and over when I laid on my bed listening to my Lord. It was a sweet moment as the Holy Spirit moved me to sing all the stanzas. Before then I whispered to my Lord how my desires are to meet with Him, then the urge to sing came... Lord just help to watch and pray by your cross till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the rivers. Amen.

Edith Nwoko

Aba, Abia State, Nigeria

God will always be my glory forever, amen