Almost persuaded

C1046 E1046
“Almost persuaded” now to believe;
“Almost persuaded” Christ to receive;
  Seems now some soul to say,
  “Go, Spirit, go Thy way,
  Some more convenient day
    on Thee I’ll call.”
“Almost persuaded,” come, come today;
“Almost persuaded,” turn not away;
  Jesus invites you here,
  Angels are ling’ring near,
  Prayers rise from hearts so dear;
    O wand’rer, come!
Oh, be persuaded! Christ never fails—
Oh, be persuaded! His blood avails—
  Can save from every sin,
  Cleanse you without, within—
  Will you not let Him in?
    Open the door!
“Almost persuaded,” harvest is past!
“Almost persuaded,” doom comes at last;
  “Almost” cannot avail;
  “Almost” is but to fail!
  Sad, sad that bitter wail—
    “Almost—but lost!”
Be now persuaded, oh, sinner, hear!
Be now persuaded, Jesus is near;
  His voice is pleading still,
  Turn now with heart and will,
  Peace will your spirit fill—
    Oh, turn today!
Keith Mayhew

Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia

What a wonderful hymn. It brings back memory of my conversion on the 24 August 1958.

Oliver Wyncoll


What a great hymn full of so many Biblical phrases

calling the sinner not to delay. O that we could have

the same persuasion with sinners to repent.

Paul Kerslake


Almost persuaded, how many times have I gone through my life and been almost persuaded but praise my Saviour like the one in God's word I can say I am fully persuaded.

Hosea Tulole


Because Jesus is the Saviour and Deliverer of my troubles.