What can wash away my sin

C684 CB1008 E1008 G1008 K684 LSM294 P448 R745 S471
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this I see—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
For my pardon this my plea—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Nothing can my sin erase
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Naught of works, ’tis all of grace—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This is all my hope and peace—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This is all my righteousness—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Israel Temmytop

Lagos, Nigeria

Thank you YESHUA for your blood that washed us and made us white as snow ❄ī¸đŸŒ¨ī¸.

Mrs Ubaka

Lagos, Nigeria

Thank you Jesus for your blood that washes away my sins

Angela Callahan

Archdale, N.C., United States

This really touched my heart & soul today so much that I kept on listening over & over again while the whole time truly enjoyed each & every single note with every word I read with it together harmoniously sweetly in my Bible! The best Bible study I've ever had in my home today !

I believe our Lord

JESUS loved it too ! ❤🙏🏾❤🙏🏾❤💕❤🙏🏾💕 HALLELUJAH!

Sanni Tolulope

Akute, Ogun State, Nigeria

Hallelujah! The blood of Jesus is the atonement for all and you know what? The blood is still relevant to all generations.

Jonathan Mainasara Daniels

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

The solution to humanity's problems/challeges, can be found only in the BLOOD of Jesus. The blood of Christ is the fountain of eternal life.


Afolabi Adeniran

Calumet, Illinois, United States

The eternal blood of the Lamb so precious no other means by which man can be saved from bondage of sin. Hallelujah


Paralakhemundhi, Odisa, India

Of course, only one of the blood of Jesus can wash our sin. Nothing by another blood. Praise God.


Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Praised His holy name. Yes nothing is more precious than the blood of Jesus


Montpelier, Idaho, United States

I have always enjoyed cross stitching and the Lord showed me to do scripture only. So of course The Lords Prayer I have done multiple times. God never told me as I was doing His work who it was for until finished. My friend Donna helped God out on a large work, THAT's mine, so she had it matted and framed herself, while showing me how beautiful the finished work was, she asked me to sign the back and write something. Well the Holy Spirit has perfect timing, He said to me, Nothing but the Blood of Jesus... God is GOOD.

Murray M Phillips

Cropwell, AL, United States


Piano Hymns