God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all

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God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all!
Oh, how we love within His presence to dwell!
In this light we enjoy a constant cleansing within—
    From every sin!
Sisters: In the light,
Brothers: We are walking—
Sisters: Fellowship,
Brothers: We’re enjoying;
Sisters: And the blood
Brothers: Of God’s Son
Everyone: Is cleansing us from sin.
Sisters: We confess,
Brothers: He is faithful
Sisters: To forgive—
Brothers: He is righteous.
Sisters: What a joy!
Brothers: We are cleansed
Everyone: From every sin!

Jacksonville, FL, United States

I prophesied this after listening to morning revival for Crystallization study of Jeremiah and Lamentations.

Brian Bowman

Kalamazoo, MI, United States

What a joy to walk in His presence and experience His cleansing from every sin... such a joy to enjoy the fellowship with the saints in the light. PTL.

Robert Mrdjenovich

Brighton, Michigan, United States

There was a hymn sung in the Methodist Church by The Choir, "God is the light of the world in Him there is no Darkness at all, and the night is as clear as the day, for the darkness and the light are the same to Him. Therefore, you follow him will live in the Heavenly light. And He will bless you and keep you in peace, in Heavenly peace!



John 8:12 I am the light of the world;

He who follows Me shall by no means walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. 🙂

Han Eom

Hamilton, New Zealand

I was recently enlightened very much that only God is light.

Many times, I condemned myself with the doctrines I've heard but not with the real light of God. I thought I was in light, but I was in the greater darkness.

Praise the Lord that only He is light!

Psalm 36:9 says this, " For with You is the fountain of life;/ In Your light we see light." The first light is the enlightening light from God, and the second light denotes the true nature of things. This means that we can only see the true nature of anything when we are in the light of God. Only sees the true nature of something when he lives in God's light.

Matthew and Jonathan

Irvine, CA, United States

O how we love within His presence to dwell!! Praise You Lord!!


宁波, 浙江, China

Praise the Lord, He is our great Shepherd!

IndayRuth Browning

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Thank You Lord, there's no darkness in You at all. Enjoyable and refreshing this song.

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

PRAISE THE LORD! God is light!!! And IN Him, there is NO darkness AT ALL!!!


Irvine, CA, United States

Wow. This song is so enjoyable and refreshing!

Yes, we are walking in the light from every sin!