搜索 4094
NS240 Lord, I give myself to You again today 新歌
NS116 Lord, I give myself to You right now 新歌
LB47 Lord, I have been running so long 新歌
NS203 Lord, I have the life 新歌
LB12 Lord, I just love You 新歌
NS43 Lord, I love You 新歌
LB65 Lord, I love You more and more each day 新歌
NS42 Lord, I love You more today 新歌
NS415 Lord, I love You more today, than any other 新歌
NS779 Lord, I love You! Draw me with Your beauty 新歌
NS156 Lord, I love You, I desire You 新歌
NS357 Lord, I love You, I'm charmed by You 新歌
NS202 Lord, I love You, Lord, I need You 新歌
LB2 Lord, I love You. Lord, I need You 新歌
NS229 Lord, I love You. Thank You for opening my eyes 新歌
NS304 Lord, I love You; Lord, take my heart 新歌
NS716 Lord, I open to Your light 新歌
NS660 Lord, I seek Your will 新歌
NS20 Lord, I still love You 新歌
E8347 Lord, I take up my cross; I would follow Thee 经典诗歌
E363 Lord, I would have Thyself in all Thy beauty 经典诗歌
NS817 Lord, I'm Ready and Willing to be Perfected 新歌
LB18 Lord, I've set my heart 新歌
NS1074 Lord, Make Your Home in My Heart 新歌
NS661 Lord, My Eyes Are Seeing 新歌