搜索 711
E106 No blood, no altar now 经典诗歌
E473 No mortal tongue can e'er describe 经典诗歌
E107 Not all the blood of beasts 经典诗歌
E451 Not by wrestling, but by clinging 经典诗歌
E715 Not now, but in the coming years 经典诗歌
NT715 Not now, but in the coming years 新调
E459 Not to ourselves again 经典诗歌
E672 Not what I am, O Lord, but what Thou art 经典诗歌
E907 Not where we elect to go 经典诗歌
E907b Not where we elect to go (Alternate Tune) 经典诗歌
LB70 Now from my heart comes 新歌
E168 Now in a song of grateful praise 经典诗歌
E8111 O Blessed Saviour, Son of God 经典诗歌
E206 O Christ, He is the fountain 经典诗歌
E94 O Christ, what burdens bow'd Thy head 经典诗歌
E85 O Come All Ye Faithful 经典诗歌
E95 O Head once full of bruises 经典诗歌
E1110 O Jesus Lord, when present at Thy table 经典诗歌
E465 O Jesus, I have promised 经典诗歌
E208 O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord 经典诗歌
NT208 O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord 新调
NS1068 O Lord! 新歌
E87 O Lord! When we the path retrace 经典诗歌
E201 O Lord, Thou art our Paraclete 经典诗歌
E202 O Lord, Thou art the Alpha 经典诗歌