搜索 463
NS896 Loving the Lord with the First Love 新歌
NS989 Luminaries in the Heavens 新歌
E508 Made free! Made free! O captive 经典诗歌
NS411 Manna 新歌
NS638 Manna from Heaven 新歌
E552 Marvel not that Christ in glory 经典诗歌
NS99 Mary poured out her love offering 新歌
NS565 Melt in His Presence 新歌
E596 Mine is the earth, the worlds in all their fulness 经典诗歌
NS169 Morning dawn had arisen 新歌
E8409 My Lord and I 经典诗歌
NT8409 My Lord and I 新调
NS949 My Solomon 新歌
E519 My heart is fixed, eternal God 经典诗歌
E8439 My heart today would sing with joyfulness 经典诗歌
LB33 My heart was far from You 新歌
E1179 My old man has been crucified with Him 经典诗歌
E1180 My old person has been nullified 经典诗歌
NS397 My only hope is the Lord 新歌
E578 My will is weak, my strength is frail 经典诗歌
NT578 My will is weak, my strength is frail 新调
E578b My will is weak, my strength is frail (Alternate Tune) 经典诗歌
LB38 My words cannot express 新歌
NS199 Nearer each day 新歌
NS649 New Day, New Start 新歌