搜索 32
E313 Amazing Grace 经典诗歌
E712 Be still, my heart! these anxious cares 经典诗歌
E716 Begone, unbelief 经典诗歌
NT716 Begone, unbelief 新调
E977 Glorious things of thee are spoken 经典诗歌
E8066 How fragrant, sweet is Jesus' name 经典诗歌
E66 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds 经典诗歌
E529 How tedious and tasteless the hours 经典诗歌
NT529 How tedious and tasteless the hours 新调
E434 Lord, Thou hast won, at length I yield 经典诗歌
NT434 Lord, Thou hast won, at length I yield 新调
E940 Passing through another week 经典诗歌
E704 Though troubles assail 经典诗歌
E731 Why should I fear the darkest hour 经典诗歌
NT731 Why should I fear the darkest hour 新调
Cs430 主,你得胜 经典诗歌(补充本)
C396 当我不见基督容华 经典诗歌
Cs916 神的圣城居高华美 经典诗歌(补充本)
C66 耶稣这名甜美芬芳 经典诗歌
C247 惊人恩典何等甘甜 经典诗歌
T940 'Sang linggo'y lumipas na Classic (Filipino)
T313 Biyayang kamangha-mangha Classic (Filipino)
S38 Cuán dulce el nombre de Jesús 经典诗歌(西班牙语)
D313 Genade, zo oneindig groot 经典诗歌(菏兰语)
D66 Hoe lieflijk klinkt toch Jezus' naam 经典诗歌(菏兰语)