
Have Thine own way, Lord Consecration
Thank You Lord for sovereignly creating us to be Your vessels to contain You for Your glory. Lord, keep us open to You under Your…
The Church's one foundation The Church
Thank you. I hadn't the lyrics but the holy tune filled my heart this morning. I hummed and found it via Google. To the glory of …
I am so glad that our Father in heav'n Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I thank you my Jesus for loving me so dearly. You are my Friend, Brother, Father, Husband, Doctor, Teacher, Leader, Director, Life Wire ❤ ♥ …
My Grace is Sufficient Scriptures for Singing
The Grace experienced by Paul was actually the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. In His experience Paul realised that the Lords Grace became Power …
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
I am sure the love of God has kept me going and my life is a reflection of His Mercy, Grace and Sovereignty, in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name, …
Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him Consecration
Have you HEARD HIM? His beauty CAPTIVATES us! And he has PEERLESS WORTH! UNRIVALED! These are uplifted human virtues in Him…
There is a fountain filled with blood Gospel
Both Dad now Mom are in heaven now, but their teachings of Christ live on. This song was a part of the 1st Sunday communion service. I can…
Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This is a really great song! It is my favorite hymn.
Nearer each day Experience of Christ
Thou Magnet of my soul Longings
Thus Thy sweetness prove
On Christ, salvation rests secure The Church
I am still learning how to use this site, I love it, about year and a half ago, our teacher handed me the mick. We do a different song…
Let's take the land! The land that God has given us Spiritual Warfare
It is so important to see the picture of the Israelites and the good land from the Old Testament . The good land with all its riches are a…
What made You die for me Gospel
Your love has conquered me!
Know and Experience the All-Inclusive, Extensive Christ Experience of Christ
Hallelujah!! " May "Christ must be preeminent in Our love, our tripartite being, And our daily living too!"
Joys are flowing like a river Fulness of the Spirit
There's so much peace in His Presence. Burdens are lifted off. Challenges find their answers in Him. So much peace!
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
I am sure the love of God has kept me going and my life is a reflection of His Mercy, Grace and Sovereignty, in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name, …
He's able, He's able Comfort in Trials
He is still able, never changes.
O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me Longings
Amen! Lord Jesus, Make me daily, through thy Grace, more fitting to bear your name!
O to be like Thee Longings
I am coming up on being interviewed soon by my denomination to be ordained an Elder. I was asked to come prepared to articulate…
I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
This song is an assertive reassurance that despite our troubles in life's pilgrimage, God firmly upholds us and steadies our life boat.
In God's green pastures feeding Experience of God
Have been looking for this song for years. So glad to find it here. Thank you so much.
In the hour of trial Comfort in Trials
James Hutton, a cousin of the celebrated Sir Isaac Newton, was born in 1715, and on reaching his teens became an apprentice to a…