Day by day, and with each passing moment
Comfort in Trials
What a gem! Thank you My church do not sing hymns anymore and my husband and I miss them…I serve a risen Savior Experience of Christ
I woke up this morning with this song in my mind, heart and tongueDown at the cross Gospel
Praise the Lord! The glory of God is involved with every step of the process that Christ went through – His incarnation, His human li…If You Want a Great Big Smile Principles on How to Be a Proper Human Being
One of our favorite children hymns to sing in Santa Ana during quarantine :) Lord, may these children grow up with a proper humanity,…Thou art my Beloved, the most lovely Beloved Experience of Christ
The most lovely beloved is flowing in our spirit He is flowing and overcoming every part of our being So, we just open…Just as I am Gospel
Always brings tears to my eyes that we have such a Savior, true God, yet fully God. Hey died on the cross as a sacrifice to cleanse from…What made You die for me Gospel
Your love has conquered me!Onward Christian soldiers Spiritual Warfare
Great way to start the day!Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin Comfort in Trials
Beautiful hymn.The Church's one foundation The Church
Thank you. I hadn't the lyrics but the holy tune filled my heart this morning. I hummed and found it via Google. To the glory of …Low in the grave He lay Praise of the Lord
As JD Walt says, this hymn is the “We Are the Champions” of the hymn world. Love this one!And can it be that I should gain Assurance and Joy of Salvation
So nice to sing this song, I enjoy how the voice parts are harmonizedMore love to Thee, O Lord Longings
Marcos 12:30 Amarás al Señor Tu Dios con todo tu corazón , y con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas y a tu prójimo como…I need Thee every hour Longings
I need theeThe old rugged cross Glorying in the Cross
These old hymns about the Cross have the message we all need. Thank you Jesus for going to the Cross.At Calvary Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Oh, I cannot stop thinking about this song! So beautiful and so true!Inward, Hidden Parts Longings
In Philippians Paul says, "Let this mind be in you" referring to the considering in verse 2:3 and the regarding in 2:4. To have such a mind …Let's take the land! The land that God has given us Spiritual Warfare
It is so important to see the picture of the Israelites and the good land from the Old Testament . The good land with all its riches are a…What can wash away my sin Gospel
I believe in the efficacy of the Blood of Jesus. The Precious Blood forgives and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Thank God for His…O Love, that wilt not let me go Consecration
O love that will not let me go.! I rest my weary soul in thee. I give you back the life you own. Finally I see and experience I’m not my ow…Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
My father used to sing this song a lot and played on the piano. It was such a peaceful song for me to hear. it still puts me at peace to…The Lord is my Shepherd forever Experience of Christ
My everyday confession; Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, hallelujah!
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Praise of the Lord
God is such an AMAZING GOD! I praise Him for His wonderful works that are evident each and every day! My heart is full after singing this…We praise Thee, O God Worship of the Father
Oh, the awesome love of God our Father. He sent His Son, not to condemn us, but to redeem us. We were guilty, yet He looked beyond our…Far away the noise of strife upon my ear Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Christ our Land!!!