Under His wings I am safely abiding
Experience of Christ
At 77 years old I am rejoicing under the shadow of my Savior's wing!Where is the House Scriptures for Singing
PRAISE THE LORD He is making us material for the building of HIS house!!Jesus! I am resting, resting Experience of Christ
Came across this group accidentally and they were singing this song. Learned it on Sunday School and it has been many years since I have…Lord, for this day, thankful to You Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Lord, I’m thankful for this day! I give myself to be joined to you anew!Amid the trials that I meet Comfort in Trials
Something happened which made me so worried & afraid on how I was going to solved it. I didn't know what to do again, so I went to the…I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice Longings
Always the cross, forever the cross for me. Draw me nearer LordThe best love for the Lord Experience of Christ
You’ve the right to take all that I love, But replace it with Yourself much more. You are what I need, give Yo…The Issue of Christ being Glorified by the Father with the Divine Glory Praise of the Lord
Praise the Lord for His glorification in His resurrection! What a great miracle for man to be incorporated into the Triune God!…Jesus, keep me near the cross Gospel
SuperWe have heard the joyful sound Gospel
I love this song/hymn very much, it reminds me whom I am and who is in me. I almost sing it everyday, it ignites the fire of God …
Watch! Be Ready!
Hope of Glory
He’s the most precious OneAll to Jesus I surrender Consecration
Great songStanding on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Wonderful hymn. Is a motivational hymn. I love ❤️ hearing it early in the morning.Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Gospel
A refreshing reminder to come back to Jesus. Thank youAmazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…The Great Physician now is near Gospel
Always works wonders Spiritual transformationI'm just a little flower Experience of Christ
The german lyrics go as this :) 1. Wie eine Blume wendet sich zum Licht, wend ich mich hin zu Gott, denn er liebt…
What can wash away my sin
Hallelujah!!! Yes, nothing but makes perfect but the BLOOD OF MY LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! I am RANSOMED, REDEEMED, HEALED…Savior, lead me, this I pray Longings
Lead me O Lord, in the oath which you have created for me, for thy glory and honour. Amen. This is my sincere prayer Lord Jesus.Lord, keep my heart always true to You Consecration
I love you Lord, dearest Lord, I love you, I just love you!!God's Christ, who is my righteousness Assurance and Joy of Salvation
God’s Christ, who is my righteousness, My beauty is, my glorious dress; Midst flaming worlds, in this arrayed, …I'm thankful that God has placed me Encouragement
I want to encourage you all, Without your supply I would fall. Never think that your Christ is small.…Far, far away, in heathen darkness dwelling Preaching of the Gospel
Whether we go across the street to our neighbor or halfway around the world we can go and share the love of Christ with his Divine…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Praise your name Lord Jesus 🙌🏽🙏🏽 I grew up in church my whole life…. This is the #1 song played during worship…