
The name of Jesus is so sweet Praise of the Lord
I was at work and I found myself singing and crying , this song I went into google and got the words, it is a song with sweet melody and…
What a Friend we have in Jesus Prayer
My uncle Charles Crozart Converse, wrote the music to this song. Joseph Scriven wrote the words.
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want Experience of Christ
The Lord is my giver and provider he is the king of kings love you father son and holy spirit amen
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This song has always being a source of strength and inspiration to me over the years. I learnt it from my Methodist hymnal in church. Over…
We are never weary singing our eternal song Worship of the Father
Glory to GOD!
O Christ, He is the fountain Praise of the Lord
Praise the Lord! Triune God flows into us in the Divine Trinity in three stages: the Father is the fountain, the Son is the spring, and the …
All the signs point to the end Hope of Glory
Jesus is now on His way, Watch, for you know not the day; Ever in His presence stay— Jesus is coming ag…
My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
On him alone I stand
Go, labor on; spend, and be spent Service
I was asleep and while sleeping I heard these words repeatedly "Go, labor on; spend, and be spent;" I woke up and searched this song and…
I must tell Jesus all of my trials Prayer
I cast on Jesus all this care. As I travel on through this unfamiliar place, through faith in Christ, I will follow peace with all men and…
Jesus is the living Spirit Experience of Christ
Hallelujah! He is now the Spirit, and as the Spirit, He is living, real, and rich to all who call on the name of the Lord. "Oh Lord Jesus," …
Jesus, my Savior, is all things to me Experience of Christ
Just a powerful song this is! As a devout Catholic -- except that some cracks had happened in recent years -- the song is not new; I have…
Immortal, invisible, God only wise Worship of the Father
Immortal Invisible God only wise, song came mind from spirit at prayer altar. One of hymns we use to sing during morning assembly at Queens …
O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Amen Lord Jesus please lead me direct me teach in ways oh GOD LORD please be My BEST FRIEND I asked this through Christ our LORD Amen
There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
It is good for God
Great is Thy faithfulness Worship of the Father
My father used to sing this song a lot and played on the piano. It was such a peaceful song for me to hear. it still puts me at peace to…