To God be the glory, great things He hath done
Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!What love Thou hast bestowed on us Worship of the Father
"What love Thou, Father, hast bestowed; We’ll ever grateful be."O glorious Christ, Savior mine Experience of Christ
Oh! Christ, expression of God, the Great, Inexhaustible, rich, and sweet! God mingled with humanity Lives…Blessed assurance Assurance and Joy of Salvation
it just takes me one two minutes after hearing a song or two to get in the right frame of mind for …Stand up! stand up for Jesus Spiritual Warfare
Was so blessed with the song. Made me revisit my Christian walk knowing, it’s a battle that was won so I can go from victory to victory be…My hope is built on nothing less Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Hallelujah So precious is my Saviour, So sure is my Achor. So perfect is His Blood So great is…The old rugged cross Glorying in the Cross
I love you so much darling Jesus, I give all I have to you, you are the best thing that happened to me I, will never forget your pains and…O for a thousand tongues to sing (Alternate Tune) Praise of the Lord
I've never heard this tune before. It not only is delightful, but I believe more worshipful. Many thanks for putting this lovely …Pass me not, O gentle Savior Gospel
Lord do not pass me byI need Thee every hour Longings
I need theeEverybody ought to know Fullness of the Spirit
Everybody ought to know who Jesus is! Son of the Living God! Amen!That's Why I Love Him Gospel
That’s why I love Him. That’s why I treasure Him. That’s why I give my life and all to Him. That’s why I lo…在宇宙中只有一個身體 建造與合一
何等喜樂,能有分於這個一!How I praise Thee, precious Savior Fulness of the Spirit
I am blessed with the lyrics of this hymn it is indeed streems of living water that flows from the sanctuary to our hearts. Lord …A Master of Dreams The Church
“Though many fail, And fall to sin. It doesn’t change— God’s chosen them. ”
When we survey the wondrous cross
Praise of the Lord
This song always takes me back to a place of repentance and gratitude. LOVE SO AMAZING SO DIVINE DEMANDS MY SOUL MY LIFE MY ALL, …Standing on the promises of Christ my King Assurance and Joy of Salvation
This my best song all along. Everytime it comes in my mind and I get myself singing it. Truely God has been our protector and when we stood …Once it was the blessing Experience of Christ
Christ is everything.Faith of our fathers, living still The Church
We sang this when I was a child. How we need to be reminded TODAY!!! AMEN!!!I was sinking deep in sin Gospel
This song is too related of my soulMorning dawn had arisen Experience of Christ
Man of sorrows, I love You. From You men did hide their face. With no majesty to You, Despised, forsaken,…This Is the Year of Jubilee Gospel
To all who JUST believe Him!I am the vine Scriptures for Singing
BEAUTIFUL‼️! I absolutely 💕 the HOLY Scriptures put to 🎶. It waters and refreshes my whole being. I/we love you Lord!!! OUR BELOVED, M…God has called us for His purpose Ultimate Manifestation
God has called us for His purpose! May you gain more ground in me and all Your saints for the living out of the one life as the Body of…Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry Gospel
I have always sang this hymn but today I paid attention to the words. What a great hymn.. Take me as I am