
I am the Lord's! O joy beyond expression Consecration
My daughter and her husband chose this hymn for their wedding ceremony. Lucy A. Bennett was born on January 8, 1850 in Green…
Lo, the table spread before us Praise of the Lord
Thank Lord we can dine!!!! And eat!!!!!
O what a miracle, my Lord Praise of the Lord
We long to eat and drink even more. AMEN
Made free! Made free! O captive Experience of Christ
Freed with His glorious freedom, Above the darkness rife. For now the law of sin and death Is CONQUERED BY HIS LIFE!
Gathered at Thy table, Lord Praise of the Lord
Praise you Lord, before we are sinners and miserable. But the Lord Jesus fight for us and now are sins are history.
We love Thy coming, Lord Hope of Glory
Praise The Lord is coming. It will not delay
Oh, the church of Christ is glorious The Church
The revelation of the church, which is His body, is the subject of this hymn. This subject has only recently been brought into focus. The…
Once I had a fervent heart Consecration
Now regain my long lost love, Refuse my shameful stain.
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Experience of Christ
Sang this hymn in the Sunday Service and it has awakened my spirit at a time when I felt like Jonah in the belly of the fish and questioned …
I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
May the Lord put me on higher ground 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
There shall be showers of blessing Fulness of the Spirit
Just sings it this morning as our second hymn, praise to God for His showers in our lives