To God be the glory, great things He hath done
Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!My faith has found a resting place Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I woke up with this hymn in mind . Remembering that today is Ash Wednesday. That Christ has paid the price of sin for me. So I need no…Trust and obey Experience of Christ
Very powerful 👏Christ is the life-giving Spirit, He lives inside of me Experience of Christ
This song is so light hearted and stirs vitality in spirit. It is full of truth but more importantly experience. Not that many remember…For the Mountains May Depart Scriptures for Singing
Amen our husband, savior, God!I've turned my back upon the world Consecration
Great hymn, telling us to leave the world with all its pleasures behind us. And we have passed in Christ from death to life.Fallen, that's the way we all begin Experience of Christ
Praise the Lord! The best way and the most simple and refreshing way for us to contact the Lord and experience Him daily is to…Lord, I just love You Experience of Christ
主,我只愛祢 無何可與祢比擬 在這浩瀚宇宙中 除祢,我別無可寶可倚 主耶穌,我愛祢
The Great Physician now is near
Always works wonders Spiritual transformationAmazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I really adore this song. This song ever make me feel the Grace of God.To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!How Can I Say How Much I Love You? Experience of Christ
I love You, Lord, with the love You've given me. Thank You, Lord, for planting Your love deep within me.I'm pressing on the upward way Longings
Just finish singing this song in church today. This my season thank you Jesus. Continue to plant my feet on higher ground hallelujah.God in heaven hath a treasure Experience of Christ
Praise the Lord! We all can testify that, when we spend time with the Lord and enjoy His preciousness, we have a sense of how…
There shall be showers of blessing
Fulness of the Spirit
May his showers of blessings be upon the world and let sinners be converted to Christ.It is well Assurance and Joy of Salvation
My favorite verse is the second one. It reminds us that everything that the enemy might try to throw at you has already been countered by…Amazing Grace Assurance and Joy of Salvation
I really adore this song. This song ever make me feel the Grace of God.O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Beautiful song that expresses all our heart’s desires.Life is God the Father in Christ Jesus Experience of God
I remember this song from the 70’s. This topic was emphasized in the early days of the church. The experience of Christ as the Spirit is wh…All the way my Savior leads me Comfort in Trials
It's is a shame that two generations have gone by where these hymns of the faith have never been heard by our children and our children's…Christian, seek not yet repose Prayer
Lovely 🙏🏻Pass me not, O gentle Savior Gospel
Plead my course oh gentle saviour and do not pass me by, now and ever, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN.