
Abba, we come, and low we bow before Thee Worship of the Father
"God is more ready to forgive than we are to be forgiven." -Dr. Curtis Hutson
To God be the glory, great things He hath done Worship of the Father
This song is always a Blessing to my soul. Praise the Lord!! Thank you JESUS!!
Father, I know that all my life Experience of God
And a mind to blend with outward life while keeping at Thy side; It's a mystery that we can simultaneously live in the physical…
A mighty Fortress is our God Spiritual Warfare
“the little Word” (ein Wortlein) is the baby Jesus; so this is Advent Hymn. Likewise in first line of 4th verse, “Word” should b…
What can wash away my sin Gospel
Hallelujah!!! Yes, nothing but makes perfect but the BLOOD OF MY LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST! I am RANSOMED, REDEEMED, HEALED…
Lord, keep my heart always true to You Consecration
I love you Lord, dearest Lord, I love you, I just love you!!
Begone, unbelief Comfort in Trials
This has been my most Favorite comforting Hymnal ever. Back at Teacher College of Education, University, Marriage, Depression and Divorce,…
Lord, how long Experience of Christ
Come, Lord Jesus, Please come, dear Bridegroom; Precious One, come soon, come soon.
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing Assurance and Joy of Salvation
Oh to Grace, how great a debtor. When I sang this, I look back over my life and see it is truly His grace that got me through. This Grace…
My faith looks up to Thee Longings
I woke up this morning while doing my short prayer, this song came to my mind to sing. Thank you Jesus.
A lamp in the night, a song in time of sorrow Hope of Glory
Is the hope of the coming of the Lord.
I need Thee every hour Longings
This hymn always lifts my soul, it makes me feel the presence of the Holy in me with tears. It consoles me at all times
This is the day Scriptures for Singing
O God, our help in ages past Experience of God
It has been a good thing listening to this hymn and having a sense of help in our God who saw my family through hard times in the past…
O Jesus, I have promised Consecration
Beautiful song that expresses all our heart’s desires.
My will is weak, my strength is frail Experience of Christ
Thou art my Savior, strength and stay, O Lord, I come to seek Thy face; Though I’m the weakest of the weak, …