Unto Him that hath Thou givest (Alternate)

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Unto him that hath Thou givest
Ever more abundantly;
Lord, I live because Thou livest,
Therefore give more life to me,
Therefore speed me in the race,
Therefore let me grow in grace.
Deepen all Thy work, O Master,
Strengthen every downward root;
Only do Thou ripen faster,
More and more Thy pleasant fruit;
Purge me, prune me, self abase;
Only let me grow in grace.
Let me grow by sun and shower,
Every moment water me;
Make me really, hour by hour,
More and more conformed to Thee,
That Thy loving eye may trace
Day by day my growth in grace.
From Thy fulness grace outpouring,
Show me ever greater things;
Raise me higher, sunward soaring,
Mounting as on eagle-wings.
By the brightness of Thy face,
Ever let me grow in grace.
Let me, then, be always growing,
Never, never standing still,
Listening, learning, better knowing
Thee and Thy most blessed will.
Till I win the glorious race,
Daily let me grow in grace.
(Repeat the last two lines of each stanza)
Elizabeth Felix

Newington/Storrs, Connecticut, United States

“Lord this is my prayer for myself, my family, and for all the saints in Your recovery and all those to yet come.

Lord let us grow in grace. Speed us in the race.

Strengthen every downward root. Raise us higher, more and more conformed to Thee, always growing. Never standing still.

Till we win the glorious race, let us always grow in grace.! ”

Mariegel Dalaguete

Leduc, Alberta, Canada

The Lord is ever faithful to remind me over and over again about this hymn that I once uttered fervently in my prayer. Now that I am experiencing the valleys in my Christian walk, He reminded me again that He is just answering my prayer. In order for me to grow, I need to pass through valleys, the lows in our Christian journey. Yes, Lord, purge me, prune me, self abased, only let me grow in grace. Amen. 💖💖


Los Angeles, CA, United States

Lord, speed me in the race and let me grow in grace day by day!

Igor Savinkin

Riga, Russia

I do enjoy this hymn. And as I was singing it I reconsecrated myself for His best work on me, for me to go further in growth in life. I need His mercy and grace for going on in this race, but eventually this all is for the church, for the living corparate expression of our beloved Lord Jesus.


Charleston, WV, United States

God is the sweeter fragrance, the oil poured out on Jesus' feet. How wonderful to find a song to strengthen us based on the hope and belief in God, that we put our trust in Him. It doesn't get more simpler than that.

Nicholas Kim

South Korea

Does anyone have the translation of this hymn to Chinese?

Precious Pearl

Southampton, United Kingdom

This song is a most powerful prayer. Sometimes when we feel happy with the Lord and we are really enjoying Him and the church life we utter prayers such as this. We ask the Lord for growth and grace we even tell Him to purge us and prune us. We can do this at these times because we are so full of love and enjoyment. But our God is so faithful and He knows what lies ahead. He knows what we need to pass through in order to see the result of such prayers. As we experience the sun and shower and the self abasing we may ask the Lord, why? Then He in His mercy reminds of all those powerful prayers we prayed.This then becomes faith in us. If He is going to answer those prayers as He promised then He must take us through this situation or that until at last we win the glorious race. Thank You dearest Lord that Your loving eye is on me.

Esther Lee

Seattle, WA, United States

The tune is a little too pretty (to the point where I get a little distracted by the prettiness), but that's ok. It's a good heartfelt prayer towards our lovely Jesus Lord. May this be our genuine prayer, that we live because Thou dost livest. That our experience of Him would deeper and deeper grow.


California, United States

Amen from Thy fulness Grace outpoured. Col. 2:9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

Lord, I live because Thou livest. Oh Lord give more life to me. Praise You Lord, it's by Your grace that we receive Your life. Oh Lord, Master, every moment water me. Praise You Lord You're the living water. Amen.