Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus

LSM38 NT204
Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus,
  Losing sight of all but Thee,
O what joy Thy presence gives us,
  Calling up our hearts to Thee!
Loved with love which knows no measure,
  Save the Father's love to Thee,
Blessed Lord, our hearts would treasure
  All the Father's thoughts of Thee.
All His joy, His rest, His pleasure—
  All His deep delight in Thee—
Lord, Thy heart alone can measure
  What Thy Father found in Thee.
How He set His love upon Thee—
  Called Thee His beloved Son;
Yet for us He did not spare Thee,
  By Thy death our life was won.
O the joy, the wondrous singing,
  When we see Thee as Thou art!
Thy blest name, Lord Jesus, bringing
  Sweetest music to God's heart.
Notes of gladness, songs unceasing,
  Hymns of everlasting praise,
Psalms of glory, joy increasing,
  Through God's endless day of days.

Madrid, Spain

"Por lo cual Dios también le exaltó hasta lo sumo, y le dio un nombre que es sobre todo nombre, para que en el nombre de Jesús se doble toda rodilla de los que están en los cielos, y en la tierra, y debajo de la tierra; y toda lengua confiese públicamente que Jesucristo es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre." (Filipenses 2:9-11) Versión Recobro

Christine Commons

Romford London, United Kingdom


O the joy, the wondrous singing,

When we see Thee as Thou art!

Thy blest name, Lord Jesus, bringing

Sweetest music to God’s heart. Amen

Nathan Reilly

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

This hymn, is a catchy tune! it'll make the earth and heaven be filled with song and filled with praise. And the angels of God, will be singing and praising unto Lord of Lords and King of Kings. unto Him, be a joyous chimes, for the marriage of the Lamb of God, and we as in the Body of Christ.

Mark, Cord and Cody

San Marcos, TX, United States

Loved with love that knows no measure! Save the Father’s love to Thee.

Blessed Lord our hearts would treasure.

All the Father’s thoughts of Thee.

Cesar Sosa Perez

Callao, Peru

When we stay in The Name Of Jesus, we stay in His presence in the Triune God, and we can Enjoy the Father’s love.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord, we want to lose sight of everything else but YOU!


Chennai, India

We sing in a different tune YET the same words, same Spirit's guidance! Hallelujah!!


Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This song brings out the Father's thoughts of His Son. Often we think from our perspective: from us to Him. But in this song we have the Father's perspective. Perhaps it will be sung at tomorrow's breaking of bread meeting, if the Spirit leads in that direction.



Back to my university life, such gatherings I miss so much...campus meeting, students visitation of every dorm/boarding houses, prayer meeting, pursuance meeting, young people's meeting, ministry meeting and Lord's table meeting. so wonderful gatherings, so very unique and highest enjoyment gathering because we gathered together in THY NAME LORD JESUS!