I cannot breathe enough of Thee

I cannot breathe enough of Thee,
  O gentle breeze of love;
More fragrant than the myrtle tree
The Henna-flower* is to me,
  The Balm of Heaven above.
I cannot yield enough to Thee,
  My Savior, Master, Friend;
I do not wish to go out free,
But ever, always, willingly,
  To serve Thee to the end.
I cannot gaze enough on Thee,
  Thou Fairest of the Fair;
My heart is filled with ecstasy,
As in Thy face of radiancy
  I see such beauty there.
I cannot sing enough of Thee,
  The sweetest name on earth;
A note so full of melody
Comes from my heart so joyously,
  And fills my soul with mirth.
I cannot speak enough of Thee,
  I have so much to tell;
Thy heart it beats so tenderly
As Thou dost draw me close to Thee,
  And whisper, "All is well."
An Old World plant, prized for its fragrant yellow and white flowers. (Song of Sol. 1:14, A.S.V.)

Stanza 3 is used as the chorus.

Peter Collins

Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

"Forgiven sinners only know the balm of Jesus name". As the healing spirit spreading into our wounded damaged soul He is too us the sweet balm of heaven above. Then spontaneously we yield to Him and enjoy Him in the divine romance. Gazing on Him as the fairest of the fair, Singing with the taste of sweetest , most lovely one... OH saints what can we speak? As He gains us for His bride we have so much to tell as He draws us ever closer in His loving tender embrace whispering all is well..

Larry Langley

Kerrville, TX, United States

A balm is something that heals and comforts. The hymn writer uses personification--henna is a healing agent--the hymnist refers to Jesus as henna, which heals and comforts.


Sydney, NSW, Australia

What is the Balm of Heaven?


NY, United States

When I first saw the henna flower I expected it to be outwardly beautiful... However, I realized later on that it is not recognized for its outward appearance but for its fragrance. This caused me to consider how our dear Lord Jesus, while on the earth, was not outwardly attractive yet drew a magnitude of people. Why? Well for sure it had nothing to do with His outward form (Isa. 53:2). It's because He is soooo attractive... like a sweet-smelling fragrance drawing us to Himself. His Person, how awesome! It's just who He is that captivated me/us. Nothing superficial—not even a trace. He is the God of this universe becoming a Man (John 1:1,14) in order to free us from the bondage of Satan, sin, the world, and even things that divide us and come into us to be our life and life supply to be enjoyed by us so that we could become His match! How we must depend on Him for everything. Praise the Lord for who He is to us!!! For drawing us to Himself, even attracting us with His beauty—His lovely Person!

Phil Watson

Lake Forest, CA, United States

Responding to Anna: In Song of Solomon, the lover of Solomon (representing Christ) is likened to the rose of Sharon in 2:1, but Solomon himself is likened to the henna flower in 1:14. By 4:13, she has become like Christ, and he likens her to a fragrant garden. So it is more appropriate to liken Christ to the henna flower.

I searched for other online resources for the text of this hymn by William Spencer Walton, and could not find it. (Hymnal.net was #5 on Google search).


Adelaide, Australia

I always thought the first verse was "more fragrant than the myrtle tree the ROSE OF SHARON is to me"??? What is with this the henna flower is to me???

Charry Madarimot

Lakewood, ZDS, Philippines

Oh, it refreshes my consecration. I do not wish to go out free, but ever, always, willingly, to serve Thee to the end. He is the absolute One who can fulfill my consecration. Oh Lord Jesus.

Adara Opeoluwa

Lagos, Nigeria

It is such a wonderful experience to know that God is beautiful (by our own words) am sure in the real sense we can't really find a word to qualify His handsomeness. His work also testify of the beauty of His ways. I love You Lord, Saviour of my soul.

I love this tune, it's as if it should never stop playing.......

Charity Gicale

Marilao, Bulacan, Philippines

I love You, Lord Jesus!

Su Jin Heo

Pomona, California, United States

This song has taught me that there cannot be too much of the Lord. We can enjoy Him eternally!