I'm walking down the road

I'm walking down the road
That leads to glory.
I'm pressing toward the mark
By enjoying God!
I don't know so much,
Just to love Him.
I'm walking down the road,
Glory, here I come.
With the brothers and the sisters,
We enjoy Him day by day.
It's so simple and easy,
Our worries flee away.
Now we're growing together,
As one big family,
Abiding in the joy of the Lord.
We enjoy You, Lord Jesus,
In our experience.
We're getting to know You—
It's making us leap and dance.
Just eating and drinking,
It's what we do the best,
Delighting in the love of the Lord.
We're walking, not running,
Cause we're in the pasture land.
Our Shepherd is nearby,
We're trusting in His hand.
He's everything to us,
He's all we ever need,
Resting in the peace of the Lord.
Dasha Chong

Round Rock, TX, United States

Oh I don’t know so much, just to love Him!

Oh Lord I simply just love You!

Joshua Chang

Walnut, CA, United States

I’m pressing on toward the goal just by enjoying God!! Such a wonderful way!


Richardson, Texas, United States

I love this song.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

From the moment you became a regenerated member of the Body of Christ, your glorification became an absolute certainty! So it's not IF you will reach glorification, it's WHEN you will reach glorification!! Hallelujah Praise the Lord!!

"I'm walking down the road,

Glory, here I come!"

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

I don't always walk down this road, but when I do, it leads to glory!!


Milwaukee, United States

What a great piano rendition! Thank you brother or sister who played with so much feeling.


New Zealand

We're walking, not running,

Cause we're in the pasture land.

Our Shepherd is nearby,

We're trusting in His hand.

He's everything to us,

He's all we ever need,

Resting in the peace of the Lord


Denver, Colorado, United States

I like this song it is very upbeat but quite hard to sing......FAST!

David Hwang

Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan

It's a exciting song. It cheer up our body, soul and spirit. I am not alone in the world because I have a lot brothers and sisters.