Listen, O stranger, road-weary traveler

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Listen, O stranger, road-weary traveler,
You who are seeking for something more;
Come hear the story of Him who saved me—
He's my Redeemer, Jesus my Lord!
His name is Jesus! His name is Jesus!
O how I love His name to declare;
If you are lonely, troubled or worried,
Call, "O Lord Jesus!"—He will be there!
On your life's journey maybe you're hurting,
Just doesn't seem like anyone cares;
Jesus is waiting for you to open—
Just call His name and He will be there!
What if I told you Somebody loves you;
He knows your name and He knows your case;
He will not judge but simply receive you;
He loves all men, and freely gives grace!
"Jesus is Lord!" Oh, if you confess this,
And believe God raised Him from the grave;
If you believe and call upon Jesus,
Jesus will come and you will be saved!
Simply call Jesus! Simply call Jesus!
O what a joy His name to declare;
If you are lonely, troubled or worried,
Call, "O Lord Jesus!"—and you'll be saved!

Oh señor Jesús

Oh Herr Jesus

Oh LORD Jesus

Montegene Burger

United States

I just found this site in a search for the new version of "Sweet Will of God". I am elderly and on a fixed income and unable to just purchase specific songs I want. So I wish to thank you so much for offering such a wonderful website where we can hear our beloved hymns with their lyrics and not have to either pay or just get a minute of music only. Thank you for this service!