The Vision of the Age

The vision that the Lord has giv'n
To His recovery,
Is Christ the all-inclusive One,
And all-inheriting;
The high peak vision guides our way
And gives us heav'nly sight,
Preserving us and keeping us
In oneness by His light.
The vision of the ages,
An extr'ordinary scene,
This glorious, inward seeing
Is for God's recovery;
From Genesis to Revelation
  open up our eyes
To see the purpose, heart, and goal of
  God's economy.
The govern'ng vision of the Word
Is God Himself in Christ,
To work Himself into our being,
That He may be our life;
Our one accord is carried out
With one intent and way;
To love the Lord and know His life
In all we think and say.
The high peak of the vision is
The "diamond in the box;"
That God in Christ has made man God,
But in the Godhead, not;
Christ's Body is expressed when God
And man in oneness meet;
The New Jerusalem is built,
The vision is complete!

2005 International Memorial Day Conference, Message 1