Draw Me, Lord, with the Bands of Your Love

Draw me, Lord, with the bands
Of Your love, with cords of man,
Going forth in my being entire;
I’d in harmony stand
With Your goal, for Your plan
Through Your word, joined to Your
  heart’s desire.
Make me one who would pray
Mingled with God as my faith,
Always praying and not losing heart;
I’d persistently pray,
And through prayer be saved each day,
Not in self but in God
  fully trusting.
Teach me, Lord, not to waste
But to number all my days,
Better one day with You than a thousand;
Keep me faithful, in grace
To express You all my days,
In all matters, for Your
If I struggle within,
You must never let me win.
Lord, defeat me, and conquer me wholly;
Not a half consecration,
But absolutely giv’n,
Lord, I’ll pay the full price
  for You solely.
Joshua Chang

Walnut, CA, United States

Lord, teach me to not waste any time but to number ALL my days!!

Pey-Jing Li Mehrinfar

San Marcos, TX, United States

If I struggle within,

You must never let me win.

Lord, defeat me, and conquer me wholly;

Not a half consecration,

But absolutely giv’n,

Lord, I’ll pay the full price

for You solely.

Lord Jesus, be the consecrating One in me, willing to pay the full price!



Oh draw me dear Lord with Your love

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord, defeat me, and conquer me wholly!

Joyce Mira

North York, Ontario, Canada

Teach me Lord, not to waste but to number all my days.


Salem, Oregon, United States

This is a very good song! Simple to learn but a very good song to stir up our deeper consecration in full surrender to the Lord. Who can say they don't need more surrender, more absoluteness towards the Lord? I know my lack is here. We may be poor, but He is rich in grace to meet our every need that we can be one with Him and thereby meet His great need. Yes, God has a need but in no way can we meet that need in ourselves. Let us surrender to His will. Let us give Him the opportunity to gain in us because we love Him.

Thomas & Stanley

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

If I struggle within,

You must never let me win.

Lord, defeat me, and conquer me wholly;

Not a half consecration,

But absolutely giv’n,

Lord, I’ll pay the full price for You solely.

Lord, do defeat us and don’t let us win! We’re happiest when subdued by You.