God's Purpose in Dealings

  God's purpose in dealing with those who love Him
  is that they may gain Him to the fullest extent,
  surpassing the loss of all that they have other than Him,
  surpassing the loss of all that they have other than Him,
  so that He might be expressed through them
  for the fulfillment of His purpose in creating man.
  God's purpose in dealing with His holy people
  is that they would be emptied of everything
  and receive, receive only God as their gain,
  and receive, receive only God as their gain;
  the desire of God's heart is that they would gain Him in full as life,
  as the life supply, and as everything,
  as life, as the life supply, and as everything to their being.
Maurice Ward

Irving, Texas, United States

This reminds me of the life of Job and Paul. God dealt with Job so that he would gain God and be stripped of all his natural goodness. Eventually, Job saw God. Paul's experience shows us that this seeing of God is the real gaining of God. Like Job, Paul was stripped of all that He might gain God. However, whereas Job murmured and did not understand the nature of his being dealt with, Paul counted all things as loss that he might gain Christ. May we be those who do the same.

Keziah Calo

Butuan City, Agusan Del Sur, Philippines

Lord we want to gain You in full!

Joyce Mira

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

God's purpose in dealing His people is to gain Him to the fullest extent. Hallelujah !


Zürich, Switzerland

To gain Him to the fullest extend, surpassing the loss of all that they have !