Be Strong and Take Courage

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Be strong and take courage, and press on to the Lord;
Be very courageous, and press on, press on, press on.
For you will inherit this good land, which is Christ, (Col. 1:12)
For God will be with you and will be all your life. (Col. 3:4)
Be strong and take courage, and press on to the Lord;
Be very courageous, and press on, press on, press on.
My word shall not leave from your mouth day and night,
But dwell in you richly as you live in its light. (Col. 3:16)
Be strong and take courage, and press on to the Lord;
Be very courageous, and press on, press on, press on.
And be empowered in the might of His strength,
Know Christ and enjoy Christ in His depth, height, breadth, and length.
    (Phil. 3:10; Eph. 3:18)
Be strong and take courage, and press on to the Lord;
Be very courageous, and press on, press on, press on.
Allen Palama

Chicago, IL, United States

To gain and posses the good land there is need for us not only to be holy and spiritual but for us to be today’s Joshua and Caleb’s. Do not be afraid! Do not be dismayed! Rise up and posses Christ!


London, United Kingdom

Amen Lord, we hear Your vkice. We will be very courageous and strong and we will press on to You. For You are our courage and might and strength. We love You Lord and do not want to keep You waiting.

Sister Ruth

Tirane, Albania

That song is balsam to my painful condition, so encouragement to Know Christ and enjoy Christ in His depth, height, length all Himself.


Chicago, IL, United States

As a child I always found comfort in the children’s hymn “Be Strong and of Good Courage. ” It’s lovely to now have a hymn in my college years that continues that sentiment even further.

Press on to the Lord, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go!


Auckland, New Zealand

Oh Lord, strengthen and sanctify Your Saints, that they will exercise their will to choose You, to cooperate with You, to press on, to enjoy You and to be builded in the good land!