He stepped out of glory

He stepped out of glory
And put on the lowly.
And life's very Author
A creature became.
Despised and forsaken,
Afflicted with sorrow,
From infinite splendor
To the likeness of shame.
He chose to be humbled,
He chose limitation,
He chose to be finite,
He chose to be man.
God's unfathomed purpose
Found substance in Jesus;
A two-natured being—
The unique God-man.
His own shell was broken,
Releasing His glory.
This life-impartation
Produced many grains.
The Firstborn rejoices
With His many brothers;
An incorporation—
Divine and human.
We cannot but love Him,
Our lovely Forerunner.
His shame was our vict'ry,
His anguish our joy.
The children of judgement
He brought into glory.
The millions of God-men
Forever rejoice.
Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son...

Now through the process of His incarnation, human living, all-inclusive death, resurrection, ascension, and descension as the life-giving Spirit, there are many God-men expressing Him now and for eternity will exalt Him as the New Jerusalem!

What a powerful hymn!

Jessica R Bussell

Valley View, TX, United States

He chose to be humbled,

He chose limitation,

He chose to be finite,

He chose to be man.

Lord Jesus, in all that You are, I love You!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

We cannot but love Him, our lovely Forerunner.


London, United Kingdom

We cannot but love You precious Lord Jesus. We will love You forever

Stephanie Cooley

Citrus Heights, CA, United States

His shame... our victory! We cannot but love Him!

Joyce Grose

Simsbury, CT, United States

This is one of my favorite hymns. Hope the music coming soon. Praise the Lord for what He has done for us, millions of God-men!

Raul Ramirez

Arvada, Colorado, United States

The Firstborn rejoices with His many brothers. Hallelujah! We are now the many God-men!

Sebastian Barros

Anahiem, CA, United States

What a God-man

Cody Enderli

Anaheim, California, United States

What a man.

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

And life's very Author became a creature. A creature. Unbelievable. Our God would leave His splendor to become our lovely forerunner.