Jubilee! Jubilee!

Hear the joyful trumpet sound:
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Let the word of grace abound:
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Liberty is now proclaimed!
From all bondage we are free!
All lost property's reclaimed!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
God is man's appointed share!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
He's our lot divinely fair!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Once we lived a life that's vain,
Now we're full, with Christ replete!
What a portion we've regained!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
We have left captivity!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Christ's redemption's set us free!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Gone are Satan, world, and sin!
From their slav'ry we've been freed!
With a new life we begin!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
All our roaming days are done!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
With God's people we are one!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
For a home we've always yearned!
It's the Church, God's family!
To our kinfolk we've returned!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Echo now that awesome sound:
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Sanctify the year renowned:
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Spread the news across the land!
Go announce in ecstasy!
God's salvation is at hand!
Jubilee! Jubilee!
Peter-Michael Sonmin

Anaheim, CA, United States

The Jubilee has come!! Praise God! Echo that awesome sound!