Lord, thank You for a new day for me to take You as Lord

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Lord, thank You for a new day for me to take You as Lord.
I subject myself under Your headship for the whole day.
Lord, set up Your throne in my life, Set up
Your throne at the center of my being.
Bring my whole day with my daily life
Under Your throne.

Lord, set up Your throne in my life, Set up
Your throne at the center of my being.
Bring my whole day with my daily life
Under Your throne.
Michael Paulo Zamora

Nozagaray, Bulacan, Philippines

Taken from the book: "God's New Testament Economy" Chapter 38, The New Jerusalem, It's Throne.


Luanda, Angola

Bring my whole day with my daily life

Under Your throne, Amen.

Nelson K

Anaheim, CA, United States

"The Christian life is a life centered with the throne. As long as you have the throne as the center of your daily life, you are okay because you will have the water of life to drink and the tree of life to eat. Then you are 'a small New Jerusalem. ' In the flow of the water of life you serve Him, you see Him, and you reign with Him." FTTA Fall 2019

Shiloh Tsang

Carlsbad, CA, United States

Out of the throne flows the river of water of life with the tree of life growing on either side - serving the Lord under His headship is just eating drinking!

And to enthrone the Lord we just need to turn to our spirit! Rev. 4:2

New Jerusalem class is phenomenal.

Glory Jung

Cypress, CA, United States

His throne

Phoebe Oracion

San Juan City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Oh Lord! Amen! Set up, Lord... set up Your throne in my life, at the center of my being.

Bring my whole day with my daily life under Your throne.

Deborah Yu

Bellevue, WA, United States

This is such a simple and sweet song to pray to the Lord.

Lord be my subjective Lord today, head me up today in all things throughout this day and every day!

Be the center of my being and living, save me from taking anything else as my center!

Idume John

Ebonyi, Nigeria

Amen, Lord Jesus let my life be under Your control, I yield to You my passion, pride and ambition.


Springfield, Missouri, United States

Amen, Lord, thank You for a new day to take You as Lord!

For me, I will take You as my Lord,

from the moment when I am awaking, going to school...

Lord Jesus... I love You!